Members of the NSW Public Service are being featured in a series of podcasts and videos used by Anti-Discrimination NSW (ADNSW) to highlight the importance of workplace adjustments.
President of ADNSW, Helen McKenzie said the Workplace Adjustments Series was the result of 12-months work with Disability Employee Network leaders and Diversity and Inclusion teams in the NSW Public Service.
“We are excited to share these videos and podcasts and contribute to the existing workplace adjustments projects that are already underway in NSW Government Departments,” Ms McKenzie said.
“One in five people have a disability and not all disabilities are visible,” she said.
“Some people need adjustments at work to perform to the best of their ability and often workplace adjustments can be implemented simply and with no cost.”
Ms McKenzie said the videos and podcasts – which feature managers and staff with disability from across the NSW Public Service – told deeply personal stories and highlighted the importance of workplace adjustments.
She said examples of workplace adjustments included flexible working hours, remote work options, changes to work premises and specialised hardware, software and equipment.
Project participant and manager at the Department of Communities and Justice, Andrew Radnedge said managers needed to think about workplace adjustments before they even started hiring.
“You need to ensure that job advertisements encourage applicants to request adjustments if required,” Mr Radnedge said.
“It’s about being inclusive from the very first advertisement and helping everyone to put their best foot forward when applying for a role.”
ADNSW’s Workplace Adjustments Series can be accessed at this PS News link.