26 September 2023

PS pay freeze to hit senior executives

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Senior executives in the NSW public service and State politicians are to have their pay frozen for two years under new legislation.

Announced by Special Minister of State, John Graham, the freeze is estimated to save taxpayers around $260 million over four years from 1 July.

Mr Graham said senior executives covered by the freeze included Departmental Secretaries, Agency Chief Executive Officers, executive office holders, Commissioners and judicial officers.

“Our predecessors froze the pay packets of frontline workers, while senior executive salaries hit $1 billion,” Mr Graham said.

“This is about reinvesting in the public service, reinvesting in essential workers,” he said.

“What we’re doing is capping the top end of the service to reinvest in frontline workers.”

Mr Graham said the senior executive and politician wage cap would help NSW build capacity in the public sector and stop essential workers leaving the State.

He said one bill would enforce the pay freeze on members of the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council via the Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal, while a second bill would enact the senior executive freeze via the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal.

“We value our public service leaders, and the work they do for our government and our State,” the Minister said.

“This is a tough decision as we prioritise what is important,” he said.

“The NSW Government offers some of the best pay for senior executives across the public sector nationally.

“Even with the wage freeze, NSW will continue to attract the best public service talent,” Mr Graham said.

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