If you like some confusion in your life, anything to do with the NDIS will set your head spinning.
So many parts, so many interconnections and questions about who decides what is enough to get us wishing and hoping the whole shebang can be simplified for the benefit of everyone.
We need it to be simple, we need it to be comprehensive and we don’t need the guv-speak.
It is so important and if you’ve known anybody with a disability you know how important it is to their lives.
A quiet conversation with a technician at the National Press Club in Canberra and I had an answer for so many of the questions posed.
He lives close to a relative who is disabled and provides much of the ‘lifestyle’ the relative needs, recognising the frustrations as well as the basic needs for his family member.
Then the problems associated with young people in Nursing Homes became a discussion point with those working to find solutions looking to good alternatives.
We all have connections and we all want solutions.
And that is what we expect of governments, instead of the gobbledygook they resort to when the explanations need to be understood by people who deserve the best outcomes.