The ACT’s zero emissions vehicle program has won an Australasian award for the outstanding achievement of running a green vehicle fleet as part of its sustainable fleet policy.
Minister for Emissions Reduction, Shane Rattenbury said the 2021 Fleet Environment Award from the Australasian Fleet Management Association recognised the success of the ACT’s zero emissions fleet transition to date and the benefits it could have in reducing emissions and encouraging industry transformation.
“Our fleet transition is reducing emissions and reducing air pollution so that Canberra tackles climate change and remains a great place to live,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“We now have over 140 zero emissions vehicles in our fleet,” he said.
“This includes 52 electric vehicles, 70 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and 20 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.”
Mr Rattenbury said the 20 hydrogen vehicles in the PS fleet were an Australian Government first for hydrogen vehicles.
He said battery and fuel cell electric vehicles each had their own advantages, and in the future the ACT’s Public Service fleet was likely to be a mix of both.
“Our fleet transition will continue rapidly over the coming years,” he said.
“The ACT Government is also committed to a zero emissions public transport system by 2040 at the latest.”
Mr Rattenbury said a procurement process was underway to buy 90 electric buses, the first of which were expected to commence operation next financial year.