26 September 2023

Premier lays down Reading Challenge

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The Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2020 has been launched, with this year’s participants set to take part in schools, early childhood centres and from home as the State’s schooling landscape adapts to the COVID-19 crisis.

Minister for Education, James Merlino launched the challenge, now in its 16th year, with the theme ‘Reading: Everybody. Everyday’.

“The Premier’s Reading Challenge continues to inspire more children to read, helping to build essential literacy skills that support their education,” Mr Merlino said.

“Students in Years 3-10 need to read at least 15 books in the six months from March to September to complete the challenge,” he said.

“For prep-Year 2 students, the challenge is to read or experience 30 books.”

Mr Merlino said more than 12,000 books featured on the list, with 150 new titles added this year.

“A key Education State target is increasing the number of Year 5 and Year 9 students reaching the highest levels of achievement in reading by 25 per cent – the Challenge is an important initiative in striving to meet this target,” he said.

“Since the challenge began in 2005, more than 3 million students in Victoria have read nearly 50 million books.”

Mr Merlino said the 2020 artwork for the challenge was designed by Jess McGeachin, whose debut picture book ‘Fly’ was shortlisted for the World Illustration awards.

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