25 September 2023

Positive outlook for health data

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ACT Health has been set up to become a leader in data management and reporting following the release of a report into its data systems.

Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Meegan Fitzharris tabled the report in the Legislative Assembly saying the Government agreed to all findings and recommendations and was now implementing the required changes.

“I’m really pleased to release the results of the system-wide data review, which is a culmination of more than a year’s work, expert analysis and extensive consultation with staff,” Ms Fitzharris said.

“As Minister for Health and Wellbeing, I called for this review because data reporting and management is integral to running an informed hospital and health care system that is accountable, transparent and responsive.”

She said the report outlined nine key recommendations, the independent root cause analysis findings and a roadmap of key future activities.

Ms Fitzharris said the review’s recommendations included building a new data repository as a single source of correct information; embedding governance structures to establish clarity around data categories, ownership, decisions and accountabilities, and a routine review of data quality and identification of any gaps in data collection.

She said it also recommended the creation of user-friendly data documents to ensure interpretation was accurate; the maintenance of security and privacy through training; and an improvement in workforce capabilities and skill sets.

The report recommended that targeted communications should be used to regularly educate, remind and reinforce issues about data management; that staff should be proactive and responsive to changes in business requirements; and that timely information be delivered to maximise data for policy development.

The 38-page report and other related material can be accessed on the ACT Health website at this PS News link.

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