26 September 2023

Police busy on streets targeting youth crime

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The Queensland Police Service (QPS) has announced that a permanent extreme high-visibility policing operation has been launched across the State aimed at targeting youth crime and enhancing community safety.

Operation Victor Unison will involve police officers conducting high-visibility officer patrols in intelligence-driven hot-spot locations, including public spaces and residential areas.

Acting Deputy Police Commissioner, Mark Wheeler said the patrols would be coordinated in addition to day-to-day policing operations, enabling officers to walk through shopping precincts, deploy to hot-spot areas, conduct bail checks and engage with young people.

“The operation follows the success of Operation Uniform Theta which resulted in the arrests of more than 2,800 people on 6,500 charges and around 23,000 proactive policing activities,” A/Deputy Commissioner Wheeler said.

Operation Victor Unison will be conducted across key districts and locations around Queensland.”

He said the QPS had received positive feedback from business owners, retail staff and local community members about the high-visibility policing during Operation Uniform Theta.

“We are pleased to roll out extra high-visibility patrols in hot spots across the State as part of this new expanded operation,” A/Deputy Commissioner Wheeler said.

“This ‘boots-on-the-ground style’ operation will see officers in marked police vehicles patrolling streets, walking through shopping centres, retail and restaurant precincts, stopping in at service stations and really engaging with the community.”

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