The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) has set out a four-year agenda aimed at strengthening the economy, supporting families, regions and communities, keeping people safe and protecting national interests.
The Department’s Corporate Plan for 2020-24 stresses the need to be ready to respond to critical issues as they emerge.
“Recognising this, the plan includes a new purpose: Preparing well to respond to critical issues,” the Department said in a statement.
“Our Corporate Plan for 2020-24 outlines our key priorities and direction over the next four years, and how we support the Prime Minister and the Cabinet to deliver for the Australian people.”
The PM&C noted that the prelude to 2020-21 in Australia saw drought, floods and intense bushfires in numerous States followed by the national health, economic and social impacts of COVID-19.
“The health crisis is far from over and the economic and fiscal impacts arising from these events, in particular the global pandemic, are the largest in several generations going back to the Great Depression,” it said.
The plan sets out six key purposes for the Department, including: Growing the economy, incomes and creating jobs; Vibrant and resilient regions; Strengthening families and communities ;Enhancing Australia’s international and national security; Governing well; and Preparing well to respond to critical issues
“Each purpose is delivered via a range of key activities, performance measures and targets by which we will measure and report on our achievement, successes and opportunities for improvement,” the Department said.
It said the plan would deliver on PM&C’s responsibilities at a critical point in the nation’s history.
“The operating environment this year is vastly different, more demanding and more challenging than that of recent years,” it said.
“Both this Department and the Australian Public Service more broadly will continue to adapt and respond to the needs of Government at a time when our contribution is more critical than ever before.”
The Department’s 32-page Plan can be accessed at this PS News link.