26 September 2023

PM&C takes care in caretaking period

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With the national election date announced as 21 May and the pre-election period now in full swing, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) has brushed off its caretaking convention guide for use by the Australian Public Service (APS).

Entitled Guidance on Caretaking Conventions, the 15-page booklet sets out the expected activities of the APS during the caretaker period and until the election is settled.

Among the issues the Guide covers are how to deal with policy decisions, appointments, major contracts, international negotiations, visits and much more.

“The APS Values set out in the Public Service Act 1999 include the value of being ‘Impartial’,” the Guide says.

“The APS is apolitical.”

The Guide also refers to the APS Code of Conduct which requires officials to:

* Disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflicts of interests (real or apparent) in connection with their employment;

“Use Australian Government resources in a proper manner, and

* Refrain from making improper use of their position to gain, or seek to gain, a benefit or advantage for themselves or any other person.

It says that among other things, at the beginning of the caretaker period, Agencies should review their arrangements for the distribution of publicly communicated material, such as newsletters.

“Agencies should avoid active distribution of material if it promotes Government policies or emphasises the achievements of the Government or a Minister,” it says.

“Passive distribution of material, such as continued placement in the Agency’s offices or distribution in response to requests, is acceptable.”

The Guide also recommends that APS officials avoid involvement in election activities.

The Department’s guide can be accessed on the PM&C website at this PS News link.

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