A plan to plant 17,000 new trees across Canberra is underway, with residents asked to nominate locations for the leafy new additions.
Minister for City Services, Chris Steel said a combination of native, evergreen exotic and exotic deciduous trees would be planted in areas of low urban canopy cover and areas where the canopy target was at risk of decline with the ageing of existing trees.
“One of the things Canberrans most treasure about our city is its urban forest,” Mr Steel said.
“We are really keen to hear from Canberrans about where they would like to see more trees planted,” he said.
“Whether that’s on their nature strip or at the local park, it’s a great opportunity to fill missing gaps where trees might have died as well as ensuring new areas of Canberra have a good level of tree coverage.”
Mr Steel said Canberrans were able to access an interactive map to identify any bare spaces in their community where a tree could be planted.
“The spring tree planting program has started with 750 trees being planted,” he said.
“During this season’s program we’ll be planting in 57 suburbs with the largest numbers being planted in Greenway, Bonython, Chifley, Holt, Harrison and across the Molonglo Valley in Coombs and Wright.”
Mr Steel also said the Government would soon commence consultation on its Urban Forest Strategy, which is to set out a plan to renew and enhance Canberra’s tree canopy and meet the canopy target of 30 per cent by 2045.
Further information on how to have a say can be accessed at this PS News link.