A community consultation program on playgrounds has been launched for five Canberra suburbs to ensure their play spaces catered for all people of all ages.
Announcing the program which will cover Narrabundah, Torrens, Higgins, Richardson and Waramanga, the Minister for City Services, Chris Steel said he was committed to providing more play spaces across the city.
“The review will assess the playgrounds available in each suburb and the needs of the local community to identify whether the mix of play opportunities is accessible to people of all ages and provides a variety of play experiences,” Mr Steel said.
He said the reviews were a new strategic way of planning for play, looking at a whole suburb rather than just one play space at a time.
“This new approach includes planning and design in close collaboration with the community.
“The suburbs were selected for review by the community Play Spaces Forum, who deliberated between identified suburbs, including those independently assessed as having play spaces most in need of repair and action.”
He said the forum allocated $1.9 million to upgrade and improve play spaces across Canberra.
“At the end of this co-design process, each suburb will receive detailed plans for one new or re-built play space and a master plan for play spaces across the whole suburb,” Mr Steel said.
“We want to hear from residents in these suburbs as well as the wider community who use these spaces,” he said.
“This will involve face‑to‑face pop up sessions and co-design workshops in each suburb.”
He said there was also an online survey available on the YourSay website.