Show me a graph and my eyes will glaze over.
Facts and figures judiciously ‘graphed’ can be made to tell us plenty of things we don’t want to know but the number crunchers love a bit of figure fiddling and outcomes to make us despair at the lack of good outcomes and self satisfied relief that we’re not at the wrong end of a scale.
Thus it is with the final address to the National Press Club of the Commissioner for the quietly diligent and master figure fixer of the Productivity Commissioner, Peter Harris as he and his cohort in the figuring, Commissioner Jonathan Coppel , delivered their ‘Rising inequality? A stocktake of the evidence’.
With copious graphs and spreadsheets.
Poverty spells are short in duration, but, not surprisingly, poverty is concentrated in households without paid work.
Given factors remain integral to that package of moolah you’re squirreling away for the retirement that slips further away and it might take more than a few graphs to convince you that you’re doing just fine.