25 September 2023

PHILIPPINES: PS retirees get option to work on

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The Philippines Parliament has passed legislation supporting retired and soon-to-retire Public Servants who want to continue to work in the private sector.

The measure, approved by a 237–0 vote, proposes to help Government employees develop entrepreneurship skills to better prepare them for economic opportunities after working in the Public Service.

It mandates all Government Departments and Agencies to prepare and implement a Government Service Entrepreneurship Development Program (GSEDP) for their employees.

Under the GSEDP, employees would be introduced to technology transfer systems, entrepreneurial educational programs, entrepreneurial networks, financial literacy, and livelihood training/seminars.

Intensive preparatory activities and learning modules would begin five years before the retirement date of the Government employee.

The legislation also mandates all Government Agencies promote and support the establishment by their employees of savings and loan associations and cooperatives with the assistance of the Cooperative Development Authority.

Cooperatives and savings and loan associations would be encouraged to retain the membership of employees even after retirement.

Government financial experts would be required to conduct lectures and workshops in capacity-building for entrepreneurship skills.

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) is tasked to be the lead Agency in the preparation, implementation, and monitoring of a comprehensive plan for the Government employees’ entrepreneurial development.

Manila, 3 June 2018

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