27 September 2023

Passing off!

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Picking up where we left off ‘compassing’ a couple of weeks ago when PS-sssst! pointed its baton at the NSW Police over their ‘anagram’ COMPASS which they have adopted to stand for their ‘Command Performance Accountability System’.

While PS-sssst! simply queried what the final ‘S’ stood for, retired PS correspondent David M found the police’s COMPASS to be pointing the wrong way.

“Surely COMPASS is more akin to an acronym than an anagram,” the sharp-eyed David extolled.

“An anagram is a word that can be made out of the transposition of letters of another word or sentence. An acronym is a word made out of the initial letters of other words.”

You’re 100% right David so expect a Popular Prize PS-sssst! Pack to be pounding the pavement towards you in due course.

As long as it can find the right way to go!

Grovel rash

And now from our ‘grovel, grovel and grovel’ section comes a heartfelt apology to the esteemed readers of the Australian Public Service’s edition of PS News last week when we suffered an athletic jumping of the gun and shot ourselves in the headline.

Where once we promised a wonderful story about organ donations hitting new heights across our do-nation, the gremlins-that-be saw to it that our keen readers were ‘de-noted’ as the story was upgraded at the last minute and carried over to enlighten this week’s edition.

Needless to say the editor’s hotline hit the ‘sizzle’ mark with inventive comments, the most cutting of which came from anonymous Ron who declared it a deliberate ploy to engage in the online misdemeanour of ‘click-baiting.’

How heart-rending!

All has come to fruitful solution however with the suspended story bursting into life this week at this PS News link.

Canberra shining

Taking the fast track to Canberra now where Barb B of a large Federal Department in the city has raised some nourishingly nutritious questions about the style of management enjoyed by the national capital

Referring to the $600 million tramway project that’s kept the city’s population postulating, presuming and presupposing for the past few years, the divine Ms B raises the question of whether the ACT Minister for Transport – whose name is ‘Steel’ – is the most pertinent person to be overseeing the two-rail, light- rail railway.


Taking aim at other transport predilections in the city, Barb also wonders if the city’s penchant for ‘parkways’ is not a bit off the track.

“A parkway is a landscaped thoroughfare particularly used for a roadway in a park,” Barb explains.

“Or connecting to a park from which trucks and other heavy vehicles are excluded.”

She goes on to point out that Canberra’s prolific pile of parkways – Tuggeranong parkway, Majura parkway and Tallara Parkway – all fail the PW test.

Quite again!

Right or wrong Barb, you’ve won for yourself a Popular Prize PS-sssst! Pack for your inspired inspirations.

Bright parks

Staying with Barb’s unveiling of the true parkway, PS-sssst! can report from personal experience that there has always been something unusual about the capital city’s love affair with ‘parkways’.

As a long-driving motorist, it seems strange odd to PS-sssst! that Canberra’s drivers get to ‘drive’ on a parkway but ‘park’ in a driveway!

Oscar winning giveaway

To Rama’s regular weekly winners’ corner now in which the Blu-Ray version of this year’s award-winning film Judy was up for grabs, simply by knowing the year Judy Garland died.

The correct answer was 1969 and the three lucky readers with their numbers right who also managed to be the first to pop out of the PS News Barrel of Booty were Ian M from the Federal Department of Environment, Land, Water and Plannin; Kelly S from NSW Police NSW; and Tom P from the ACT’s Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who took part.

For another lucky chance to try your lucky hands simply keep a look out for Rama’s giveaways when they return next week.

Equality football!

And finally, now that the AFL women’s competition (AFLW) has kicked enough goals to call on the AFL men’s competition to meet it as the AFLM, it can only be a matter of time before they each reach the logical conclusion and adopt the names Australian Football Women’s League and the Australian Football Men’s League.

Everything else looks awkward.

What’s wrong with AFML and AWFL anyway!?

Remember where you heard it first!!

Till next week…..

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