26 September 2023

Paramedic wage deal revived

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The Minister for Ambulance Services has announced that a new in-principle pay deal has been struck with Victoria’s paramedics that will see them receive a two per cent annual wage increase over four years.

The Minister, Jenny Mikakos said the deal also provided for additional paramedics and incentives to support ongoing professional development.

“We’re so proud of our inspirational paramedics and the demanding work they do every day,” Ms Mikakos said.

“That’s why we’re giving them the pay and conditions they deserve, so they can continue doing what they do best – saving Victorian lives,” she said.

Ms Mikakos said the deal included additional career progression to deliver a more skilled workforce; new unsociable shift payment; better paramedic coverage in regional and rural Victoria; and an extra four weeks of paid parental leave for primary caregivers.

She said the deal also provided reimbursement for childcare expenses as a result of unplanned overtime; the introduction of 38 hours pre-natal leave; and paid Defence Force Leave for staff who help during national emergencies such as the recent bushfires.

Ms Mikakos said that latest data showed Victorian ambulances had transported 78,820 ‘code one’ emergency patients in the three months to the end of December, 4,513 more than the same period in 2018.

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