The Chief Minister, Andrew Barr has announced that COVID-19 restrictions are to be eased at the end of this week with more community and business activities acceptable from lunchtime Friday (19 June).
In a statement, Mr Barr said the further easing of restrictions was due to the hard work of the Canberra community and local businesses for which he thanked everyone.
“The dedication the community has shown in adhering to physical distancing requirements has put the Territory in a great position to allow us to move about and enjoy more of what the nation’s capital has to offer,” Mr Barr said.
“The health advice from the ACT’s Chief Health Officer, and from the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) is that the success of the nation in slowing the spread of the virus allows jurisdictions to ease restrictions ahead of schedule,” he said.
“With the one person per four square metre rule in place, more local businesses can consider reopening.”
Mr Barr said the new maximum occupancy limit for enclosed spaces would be raised to 100 people.
“From 11:59am on 19 June, cafes, restaurants, bars and other licenced venues can seat up to 100 people per enclosed space, and will be able to serve alcohol without a meal to seated patrons,” he said.
“Gyms, health clubs and fitness centres will have greater flexibility to reopen free weight rooms and conduct circuit training under supervision and regular cleaning.”
He said local theatres, cinemas and concert venues would also be able to reopen and the maximum occupancy at places of worship would increase to 100 people for facilities that could manage the one person per four square metre rule.
Details on the proposed changes to restrictions can be accessed at this PS News link.