Hundreds of new bus services have been rolled out across Orange in the Central Tablelands, with real-time tracking now available to commuters.
Welcoming the new services, the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, Sam Farraway said the 200 additional weekly services hit the road on Monday (12 September).
“That’s an increase of over 30 per cent more services, driving better connectivity, more travel options and extra services at off-peak times and on weekends.” Mr Farraway said.
“The new bus routes will travel through the CBD, removing the need for customers to change routes to travel between north and south Orange,” he said.
“Some routes will also provide frequent timetable services every 30 minutes on weekdays and Saturdays, and every hour on Sundays, there are also more direct services to the hospital.”
Mr Farraway said the improvements would mean shift-workers, students, families and people with health needs and disabilities would receive greater flexibility to get to work, education, shops and essential services.
Meanwhile in Queanbeyan in southern NSW, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has tracked more than 100,000 bus trips since March last year.
“As well as information on the bus’s movements, people can see exactly how full their service is, thanks to passenger counting technology installed on vehicles,” the Minister said.
He said the connected vehicle technology, installed on 110 buses in Queanbeyan, had been feeding data into the Department’s Trip Planner and other transport apps.
Information on the Orange bus route changes can be accessed at this PS News link.