26 September 2023

NSW wins high-school sports score!

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NSW has scored an Australian-first with the State’s seven Sports High Schools officially becoming ‘Australian Olympic Pathway Schools’.

Celebrating the win, the Minister for Education and Early Learning, Sarah Mitchell said the unique designation from the Australian Olympic Committee for the schools would help boost the State’s efforts to create future generations of Olympians and Paralympians.

“Our seven Sports High Schools in NSW are the only secondary schools in Australia to have this prestigious recognition,” Ms Mitchell said.

“This reflects the great strength of our sports high school network, and their excellent track record in fostering both sporting high performance and academic achievement,” she said.

“I can’t wait to see the next generation of medal-winning athletes coming from our public schools as we look to Brisbane 2032.”

Ms Mitchell said the high schools receiving the recognition were Endeavour Sports High School, The Hills Sports High School, Hunter Sports High School, Illawarra Sports High School, Matraville Sports High School, Narrabeen Sports High School and Westfields Sports High School.

Minister for Sport, Alister Henskens said Government was committed to supporting the schools in their endeavour to develop future Australian Olympians.

“The students at our sports high schools today will be our heroes standing on the podium at the Brisbane 2032 Olympics, and this partnership will strengthen their opportunity for international success,” Mr Henskens said.

“Since Sydney 2000, the State’s Sports High School have produced 36 Olympic and Paralympic athletes, including Brandon Starc (Track and Field), Caitlin Foord (Football) and Amanda Reid (Swimming and Cycling – Paralympics).”

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