11 March 2025

NSW Government releases redesign plans for major Queanbeyan intersection

| Andrew McLaughlin
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combined images of Queanbeyan intersection and a redevelopment map for it

The redevelopment of the intersection of Bungendore and Yass roads will see the current roundabout (left) removed, and traffic lights with two through lanes in each direction and dedicated turn lanes added. Images: Google Earth & NSW Government.

The proposed redesign of a major road intersection in Queanbeyan has been released for comment.

The long-awaited realignment of the intersection of Ellerton Drive and Yass and Bungendore roads will replace the existing roundabout in a move the State Government says will improve safety by better controlling traffic flow and reducing the likelihood of crashes.

Under the proposed design, traffic lights will be installed. There will be two through lanes in all directions, dedicated left and right-turn lanes on all legs, signalised pedestrian crossings on all roads at the intersection, on-road cycle lanes from Ellerton Drive to Yass Road, a relocation of the bus stop in Bungendore Road and the installation of a new bus stop in Ellerton Drive, and upgraded footpaths.

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said the government had committed $19 million from the Regional Roads Fund towards the intersection upgrade.

“We know that after 12 years of neglect from the Nationals, we need to make investments like this to improve travel times for local families and make Monaro roads safer,” she said.

“This intersection is of particular concern to people and that’s why, along with the major upgrade work, we’ve already provided short-term relief by installing the pedestrian refuge and additional right-turn lane earlier this year.”

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Member for Monaro Steve Whan said the upgrade was a key election promise he had made in 2023.

“It is a complex intersection, and planning has taken some time. The release of these plans is a very important step forward,” he said.

“This is currently a bottleneck for people commuting to Canberra for work. We are honouring our election commitment to invest more in Monaro roads, and I encourage everyone in the community to check out the proposed upgrade designs and provide feedback.”

The consultation period is open until 13 April. Feedback, which will be used to inform and refine the design before construction progresses, can be provided by completing a survey at www.haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/yass-bungendore-ellerton-intersection or by writing to the project team at [email protected].

In the lead-up to the end of the consultation period, utility investigations will be carried out by Transport for NSW. This will involve workers drilling to locate existing underground utilities from Monday, 17 March, for about four weeks. During this time, single-lane closures and reduced speed limits will be applied.

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