14 August 2024

Northern Territory Caring for Country Music Competition launched

| Andrew McLaughlin
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DAFF Caring for Country logo

The Caring for Country Music Competition is open to Territory residents until 20 September. Image: DAFF.

The Northern Australia People, Capacity and Response Network (NAPCaRN) has launched the inaugural Caring for Country Music Competition in the Territory to increase the awareness of biosecurity through music.

Musicians across the Territory can enter for the chance to share in more than $11,000 in prize money through the new music competition.

Established as a partnership between the Federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), the Northern Territory Government’s Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) and MusicNT, the goals of the competition are to connect people with biosecurity messaging in a fun, interactive and engaging way.

The competition will focus on future education pathways and opportunities in biosecurity, with outcomes including the promotion of biosecurity, encouraging communities to keep an eye out for pests and diseases.

DAFF Deputy Secretary Justine Saunders said she was pleased to see the competition get underway and encouraged Territorians to get behind the event.

“Biosecurity is a shared responsibility, and the Caring for Country Music Competition is a creative, fun way for Territorians to get involved and spread the word about protecting our unique flora and fauna from exotic pests and diseases,” she said.

“Threats from pests, diseases and weeds are constantly evolving, there’s all sorts of ways pests and diseases can make their way into our country. It is crucial we raise awareness, knowledge and understanding of potential biosecurity risks in the Top End and this is a fantastic way to do that.”

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MusicNT Executive Director Mark Smith said the competition was a fantastic initiative that brought together the power of music and the crucial message of biosecurity.

“By participating, musicians not only get to showcase their talent but also contribute to the health and sustainability of our environment,” he said.

“We’re excited to see the diverse range of entries in the Caring for Country song-writing competition.

“Whether you’re a solo artist or part of a group, this is a chance to learn, collaborate, and make a positive impact on our country’s biosecurity through the universal language of music.”

Residents of the Northern Territory are eligible to enter the competition under the categories of school, group, or individual, with a total prize money pool of $11,500, and the judges will include representatives from DAFF, Northern Land Council, NAPCaRN, MusicNT and DITT.

Entries will be assessed on creativity, originality, lyrics, melody and alignment with biosecurity messaging and goals. The competition is intended to run annually with other “caring for” biosecurity themes used for inspiration, including caring for our animals, caring for our waters, and caring for our plants.

Entries for the Caring for Country Music Competition close on 20 September 2024.

NAPCaRN is an initiative developed to build capacity across government, industry and Indigenous stakeholders in northern Australia. DAFF provides nearly $2.8 million to support initiatives in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and Queensland under NAPCaRN.

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