26 September 2023

Non-State schools to be reviewed

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The accreditation framework for non-State schools in Queensland is to be reviewed.

The Department of Education announced that the “comprehensive independent review” is to be conducted to make sure the powers of the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board (NSSAB) are fit for purpose.

Minister for Education, Grace Grace said non-State schools played an essential and valued role in fostering choice, while providing quality education for the State’s children and young people.

“The current legislation has been in place for five years, so now is the right time to make sure the accreditation framework is fit for purpose, supports the provision of high-quality education, and ensures public confidence is maintained in our non-State schools,” Ms Grace said.

“The review will look at the regulation of non-State schools in other jurisdictions, assess the powers currently in place, consider the balance between imposing standards and minimising any regulatory burden, and make recommendations for improvements.”

Ms Grace said the review would also consider the powers the NSSAB had to help protect the wellbeing of students.

“The terms of reference have been agreed amongst all stakeholders and will include improvements for the efficient running of the NSSAB, as well as the health and wellbeing of students,” she said.

Chief Executive of Independent Schools Queensland, Christopher Mountford said a regular, independent review of the regulatory framework which guided non-State schools was a proactive measure which was supported by the independent school sector.

“When the current Accreditation of Non-State Schools Bill was passed in 2017, it was agreed that it struck a balance between accountability and school autonomy, while also streamlining the approval process for non-State schools,” Mr Mountford said.

“With a rapidly changing education landscape, it makes senses to review the current framework in a collaborative manner to ensure it is still fit-for-purpose and meets the needs of students whose parents or guardians make the informed choice to send their child to an independent school.”

The Minister said the review would be conducted by an independent reviewer to be appointed shortly.

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