The ACT Health Directorate has determined that a locally run breast milk bank was not a feasible option for Canberra.
The announcement follows an investigation by the Directorate in response to a motion moved in the ACT Legislative Assembly in October last year calling on the Government to look into the option.
The investigation included consultation with key subject matter experts across the areas of milk bank management, nutrition, neonatology, lactation support, milk sharing practices and community perceptions.
Minister for Health, Rachel Stephen-Smith said the most feasible solution was to maintain current arrangements by sourcing pasteurised donor milk from an interstate milk bank.
“This will ensure that very premature and vulnerable babies continue to receive the best possible care,” Ms Stephen-Smith said.
She said community demand for a milk bank had not only been about receiving breast milk, but also providing local women the opportunity to donate excess breast milk to babies in need.
“ACT Health will continue exploring opportunities for eligible women in the ACT region to donate their excess breast milk, through an established process that gives donors the peace of mind that the appropriate screening and processing will be undertaken,” the Minister said.
“This may involve building a relationship with the Red Cross Milk Bank, which facilitates breast milk collection in South Australia and New South Wales,” she said.
“The issues of infant feeding practices and breastfeeding are personal and often emotive topics. Our community benefits from a wealth of passion, knowledge and advocacy for maternal and child health.”
Ms Stephen-Smith thanked all the women, health professionals and community members who participated in the consultations.
The 32-page report Feasibility of Establishing a Milk Bank in the ACT can be accessed at this PS News link.