26 September 2023

New videos address multicultural racism

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Anti-Discrimination NSW (ADNSW) has launched a new series of video resources addressing racism and other types of discrimination facing multicultural communities.

President of the Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW, Helen McKenzie said the new in-language videos aimed to help multicultural communities recognise and report discrimination

“In 2021-22, race discrimination was the second most common type of discrimination complaint lodged with ADNSW,” Ms McKenzie said.

“Most race discrimination complaints were in the areas of employment and goods and services,” she said.

“Despite race discrimination being experienced, consultations by ADNSW with multicultural communities identified a lack of understanding of when race and other discrimination is unlawful and a lack of awareness about ADNSW’s services.”

Ms McKenzie said community consultation identified a need for more in-language information to help communities better understand anti-discrimination laws and ADNSW’s services.

Responding to this, she said ADNSW had translated its two explainer videos, An Overview of Anti-Discrimination NSW and The Complaint Process at Anti-Discrimination NSW, into some of the most commonly spoken languages in the State – Arabic, Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin and Korean.

“NSW is Australia’s most culturally diverse state with 2.2 million people speaking a language other than English at home,” the Board President said.

“Everyone should feel safe and respected,” she said.

“It is important to ensure that everyone in the community is supported to recognise and report discrimination.”

Ms McKenzie said ADNSW was working with multicultural media, community groups and community leaders to spread the word about the new resources.

ADNSW’s new in-language videos can be accessed at this PS News link.

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