26 September 2023

New unit for early pregnancy service

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The Centenary Hospital for Women and Children has acted on consumer feedback and opened a dedicated unit for the Early Pregnancy Service, as well as a refurbished Antenatal and Gynaecology Unit.

Welcoming the new unit, Minister for Health, Rachel Stephen-Smith said the Early Pregnancy Service unit was a dedicated three-bed inpatient facility offering care to women and pregnant people experiencing early pregnancy complications, including early pregnancy loss.

“There are approximately 500 admissions to Canberra Health Services each year for miscarriage or early pregnancy complications, but until now there has not been a dedicated facility to provide this specialised care,” Ms Stephen-Smith said.

“This new unit will provide women, pregnant people and their families with the support and care required during an incredibly difficult and emotional time,” she said.

“The unit integrates a new model of care to provide more holistic support and care to patients.”

Ms Stephen-Smith said Early Pregnancy Service patients would receive the care they needed from a highly skilled and multidisciplinary team.

She said the unit would support overnight stays and, importantly, provided separate treatment spaces and a separate waiting area.

“This new dedicated unit responds to consumer feedback received through the Inquiry into Maternity Services in the ACT and is a key action in the Maternity in Focus Plan launched last year,” the Minister said.

“Many women and their families shared their experiences to help us build a better, person- and baby-centred maternity care system.

“The new unit is a direct result of what we have heard.”

Ms Stephen-Smith said the newly refurbished 15-bed Antenatal and Gynaecology Unit had been relocated to allow the opening of a new Postnatal Ward, expected to double postnatal bed capacity at the hospital later this year.

“As the unit is located adjacent to the Early Pregnancy Service, there will be a strong integration between the services,” she said.

“This will enable staff to work across both spaces and flex up and down each service as needed.”

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