26 September 2023

New traffic lights step in to stop crashes

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The Department of Transport and Main Roads is using the current National Road Safety Week to extend its award-winning Hold the Red technology in 15 targeted locations.

Hold the Red is an intelligent crash avoidance system that uses radar to detect vehicles about to run a red light and implements a two-second delay that prevents other motorists or pedestrians from entering the intersection.

This significantly reduces the risk of a collision with any red-light runners.

An evaluation of the Hold the Red trial by the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland found the system can reduce red-light running crashes by a third.

Minister for Transport and Main Roads, Mark Bailey said that during this National Road Safety Week,Queenslanderswere getting the message to ‘drive so that others survive’.

“Motorists who run red lights pose a potentially deadly risk to other road users, but an evaluation of our Hold the Red trial sites found the system can dramatically improve safety by reducing potential crashes between red-light runners and cross traffic,” Mr Bailey said.

The Minister said the technology was now being installed in an additional 15 signalised intersections where there was a history of red-light running behaviour.

He expected to have the Hold the Red technology in place by mid-2024.

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