The Department on Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) has announced plans to plant thousands of new trees across Greater Sydney to expand the city’s green canopy.
Based on a partnership with Greening Australia and Landcare NSW, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes said the arrangement would see 172,000 new trees planted in parks, schools and communities over the next two-and-a-half years.
Mr Stokes said the first 32,000 trees would be planted by the end of this year.
“We have connected with leading environmental organisations to increase our tree canopy cover, cool our communities and create great new green public spaces across the city,” Mr Stokes said.
“New trees today mean more healthy shaded public spaces and beautiful tree-lined streets for communities to enjoy now and for years to come.”
He said two contracts had been signed for the project, one totalling $4.77 million for 100,000 trees to be planted with a focus on Western Sydney with Landcare NSW and 72,000 trees to be planted across parks and community spaces and schools all over Sydney with Greening Australia.
“The two new partnerships will contribute to the NSW Government’s ambitious target to plant one million trees by 2022,” he said.