A new program has been launched by the Education Directorate to help parents and carers support their child’s smooth transition to preschool.
In a statement, the Directorate said its new Preschool Pathways Program was part of its Set up for Success: An Early Childhood Strategy for the ACT.
“Starting preschool is an exciting time for your child and your family,” the Directorate said.
“Each child’s journey to preschool is different,” it said.
“Your child might transition from home or an early childhood education and care service, they might attend a public preschool, or continue into their early childhood education and care preschool program.”
The Directorate said the new Program offered a set of resources for parents and carers, including a Preschool Pathways map; fact sheets on transitioning to preschool during the pandemic and on the Early Years Learning Framework; a list of books to read with children; and information on how to talk to kids about their day.
It said the new Program acknowledged parents and carers as their child’s first teacher and recognised that a successful transition would look different for every child.
“You know your child best – you are their first teacher – and you play an important role in helping them on their education journey,” it said.
“When parents and carers, schools, early childhood education and care settings and the broader community work together to support children through transitions, we help them to feel secure, confident and connected as they take the next step on their learning journey.”
The Directorate’s Preschool Pathways Program resources can be accessed at this PS News link.