Plan SA has disclosed that consultation is now open on the proposal for a Linear Park along the coast between Semaphore Park and West Lakes Shore.
It is proposed the park will incorporate a shared-use path.
In a statement, PlanSA said the proposal focused on a section between Third Avenue, Semaphore Park and the northern edge of the Wara Wayingga-Tennyson Dunes Conservation Reserve, West Lakes Shore.
“Should a Linear Park be established, the shared-use path and any associated landscaping will be delivered by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport,” the Agency said.
“A new Public Notice incorporating plans with additional information has now been released and consultation has been opened for three weeks.”
It said the Public Notice showed the surveyed boundaries and tenure of the land planned for the Linear Park and the road area inside it, within which the proposed shared-use path would be located.
“The aim is to improve community access and enjoyment of our beaches for all users and encourage active lifestyles through the region,” Plan SA said.
“Feedback is encouraged and consultation is open until 9 September.”
The Agency said that as the proposal had been subject to an earlier Public Notice, people who had already provided a submission and had no further comments following review of the new information, need not submit again.
Readers with feedback to offer can make their points known at this PS News link.