An Office for Mental Health and Wellbeing has been established in the ACT Health Directorate to develop a renewed vision for mental health across the Territory.
Minister for Mental Health, Shane Rattenbury said the Office would focus on coordinating services for mental health patients as well as improving the quality of all aspects of mental health and treatment for mental illness.
Mr Rattenbury said the model for the Office would also allow it to focus on issues across the whole of Government and collaborate closely with other Agencies, including health services, primary care, housing, employment, community services, justice, police, education, and social inclusion.
“The Government has agreed that the Office will sit within ACT Health; however, the Office will be guaranteed a level of independence by having access to the Minister for Mental Health, and may initiate reports and reviews,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“The Office will also have a strong mandate to work across ACT Government Agencies, akin to the role of the Coordinator-General for Family Safety.”
He said the new Office would be led by a Coordinator-General.
Mr Rattenbury said two staff had begun work to increase awareness of the role of the Office, build relationships across the community and community sector, and give momentum to a whole-of-Government commitment to mental health reform with recruitment for additional positions under way.
“Working with a cross-Directorate Stewardship Group, the Office will prepare a practical mental health reform work plan within 100 days of the Coordinator-General commencing,” Mr Rattenbury said.
The 45-page independent report on design options and recommendations for the Office can be accessed at this PS News link.