The Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Mick Gentleman has announced that 18 projects are to receive funds this financial year under the ACT Heritage Grants Program.
Mr Gentleman said Canberra had a fascinating story to tell and he was pleased to see the diverse range of projects covering Aboriginal, natural and built heritage included in this year’s grants program.
“There are also some wonderful projects that focus on the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing and the significant role the ACT played in this historic event,” Mr Gentleman said.
He said a total amount of $363,784 has been provided through the grants.
“This includes $98,554 in funding through Community Partnership Projects and an additional $18,784 made available from previously cancelled projects,” he said.
The Minister said Community Housing Canberra received $5,000 to undertake conservation works to Harrison’s heritage listed Gungaderra Homestead.
Other recipients of grants included Cuppacumbalong Homestead (The Ngunnawal Trail); Ursula Frederick (Promised the Moon exhibition); Action Heritage (Old Weetangera Road Trail); Institution of Engineers (engineering heritage self-guided northside tour brochure); and Crux Media (Mike Dinn’s front row seat).
Also to benefit were the Conservation Council ACT Region (celebrating Kama Nature Reserve and Gungahlin Woodlands); Ali Wass (Cuppacumbalong Homestead); Theatre Organ Society ACT (upgrades to the Compton Theatre organ); Uniflow Power Ltd (group access at Mugga Mugga Cottage); Hall School Museum (AR Canberra Tracks signage); and the National Trust ACT (Heritage Festival).
In addition, Zsuzsi Soboslay (Tidbinbilla – earth and sky – past-present-future); Red Gadget Films: Satellite to the Stars); Canberra Modern (Canberra Modern Festival); Girl Guides NSW/ACT (conservation management plan); Girl Guides NSW/ACT (oral history project); and Hall School Museum (Halls Creek Aboriginal sites zone geomorphology) recived support from the program as well.