More initiatives to combat family violence and address a jump in demand for perpetrator services during the pandemic are set to be implemented across Victoria.
Announced by Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Gabrielle Williams, the State has allocated over $20 million to keep more family violence victim survivors safe in their own homes, and keep perpetrators accountable.
“With more Victorians at home to slow the spread of coronavirus, we know there’s an increased risk for women and children experiencing family violence or abuse,” Mr Andrews and Ms Williams said.
“In the past month, the Men’s Referral Service has reported an 11 per cent increase in calls compared to last year,” they said.
“Funding these programs will enable 1,500 perpetrators of family violence, or people who believe they are at risk of using violence, to leave their homes and move into short or long-term accommodation options.”
Mr Andrews and Ms Williams said the funding would also provide intervention and behaviour change programs for family violence perpetrators.
“We know there’s an increased risk of family violence during the pandemic, which is why we want to ensure every single Victorian can access the services and support they need,” Ms Williams said.
“I also want to be clear: even with Stay at Home restrictions in place, if you need to leave a violent situation, you can – and you will not be fined,” she said.