The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) has released a strategy and action plan to provide immediate support for people experiencing homelessness as well as better housing across the State.
Minister for Housing, Melinda Pavey said DPIE’s whole-of-Government strategy, Housing 2041: NSW Housing Strategy, outlined a 20-year vision for better housing and its action plan, Housing 2041: 2021-22 Action Plan, laid the groundwork to achieving it.
“As the type of housing we choose to call home changes over time to reflect our different aspirations and lifestyles, we will continue to update and prepare new Action Plans,” Mrs Pavey said.
“These will enable us to adapt to changing circumstances, emerging evidence and, importantly, the expectations of the people of NSW,” she said.
Mrs Pavey said the Action Plan was structured around five priority areas promoting the use of data and evidence-based decision making; providing planning, regulation and guidelines to support Government housing objectives; maximising the impact of Government-owned land; establishing a research agenda that invests in best practice; and working with local Governments and communities.
“[DPIE] will seek vacant land and buildings to establish temporary supportive accommodation (TSA) to those in communities who need it the most,” the Minister said.
“The TSA will support people at risk of homelessness for up to two years, while longer housing solutions are planned.”
She said the Housing 2041 Strategy would see the establishment of a cross-sector expert advisory panel to guide delivery of the Strategy; better use of Government-owned land; the development of new housing types, tenures and delivery models; and strengthened relationships with local Governments, the community housing sector and developers to trial new housing solutions.
DPIE’s 54-page Housing 2041 Strategy can be accessed at this PS News link and its 22-page Action Plan at this link.