25 September 2023

New grants put women’s welfare in the pink

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Eleven funding grants totalling $180,000 have been announced to improve the participation, health, wellbeing and safety of women in the ACT.

Minister for Women, Yvette Berry said the grants had been allocated to support individuals, organisations and community groups for innovative projects.

She said the successful projects included engaging younger women in the production of local information resources about sexual and reproductive health and safe relationships; the production of a handbook on ACT Family Violence Orders; and a culturally sensitive action plan to target and address violence against culturally and linguistically diverse women.

“All successful grant applications have demonstrated a clear alignment with the priorities of the ACT Women’s Plan 2016–26 or the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2011–2022,” Ms Berry said.

She said two scholarships had been awarded, providing a 10-month leadership development course with the YWCA.

“The She Leads Diploma Scholarships are targeted at women from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, and women with disability,” Ms Berry said.

She said that once the scholarships were completed, the two women would graduate with a Diploma of Leadership and Management.

“The scholarships, and the women’s grants, all work towards the goals contained in the ACT Women’s Plan, which sets out a course of action to work towards gender equality,” Ms Berry said.

She said the measures contributed to improving outcomes for women who were at heightened disadvantage due to intersecting forms of discrimination as a result of disability, race, age and socioeconomic status.

A full list of the successful recipients of the grants with descriptions of their projects is available at this PS News link.

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