New drink-driving laws that come into force this month will see motorists caught over the limit, including low-range offenders, losing their licence immediately.
Minister for Transport and Roads, Andrew Constance said that from next Monday (20 May), drink drivers who are first time, lower range offenders will receive an immediate three-month licence suspension and a fine of $561.
Under the new laws, simpler and more certain penalties will also apply for drug drivers.
“Offenders who drive with the presence of illicit drugs for the first time will receive a $561 fine and a three-month licence suspension if the offence is confirmed by laboratory analysis,” Mr Constance said.
He said alcohol-related crashes claimed the lives of at least 68 people on NSW roads in 2018, accounting for nearly one in five road deaths, including 55 lives lost on country roads.
He said fatalities from crashes involving a drug driver accounted for similar numbers of deaths.
“This reform makes it clear that if you break the law, you will pay the price,” Mr Constance said.
“We are taking a zero-tolerance approach to drink and drug driving.
“Drivers who have an illegal level of alcohol in their blood or have used illegal drugs have no place on the road,” the Minister said.