The Department of Communities has announced that contracts are to be awarded to community service providers to improve the outcomes for people experiencing homelessness in Perth and Bunbury.
To be delivered by Ruah Community Services and Anglicare WA over five years, the two contracts are integral components of the Housing First Homelessness initiative, which couples stable accommodation for rough sleepers with the necessary wrap-around supports to keep them in the accommodation long-term.
Minister for Community Services, Simone McGurk said Ruah Community Services had been awarded the contract to deliver programs across the Perth metropolitan area over the next five years.
“Anglicare WA will help rough sleepers to access accommodation and wrap-around care in Bunbury,” Ms McGurk said.
“The Government has put the work in to find the best ways to address the range of issues that can lead to a person not having a place to call home.”
She said in in line with the 10-year strategy to address homelessness, the Government was getting on with the job of leading innovative solutions that would improve outcomes for people experiencing homelessness in the State.
“Anglicare WA and Ruah Community Services bring a wealth of knowledge, dedication and enthusiasm to helping people in need, so I welcome their appointment to deliver services under our Housing First Homelessness initiative,” the Minister said.
She said the Department’s Housing First Support Service would play a crucial role in supporting people to first access safe and secure housing, and then build their capacity to maintain that tenancy by addressing any factors that contributed to them becoming homeless in the first place.