The Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Mick Gentleman has approved a new Safety Code for the ACT’s dams.
ACT Technical Regulator, Ben Ponton announced the Code, saying its key focus was good practice in dam ownership in the ACT, where dams presented a significant level of risk to communities.
“Fortunately, there are no known or reported such risks with any of the dams to be regulated under the new Code, but it is important we have good systems in place,” Mr Ponton said.
“Under the Utilities (Technical Regulation) Act 2014, the ACT Dam Safety Code 2018 has been approved as a technical code.”
He said its purpose was to identify and regulate the safety of dams where the potential for a failure could have a significant adverse effect on the community.
Mr Ponton said the Australian Committee on Large Dams (ANCOLD) guidelines were accepted by professionals in Australia as outlining requirements for good practice in dam ownership and were referenced as the basis for the regulation of dam safety management in all eastern States of Australia.
He said the ACT Dam Safety Code 2018 also referenced ANCOLD guidelines as the basis for good practice in dam ownership in the ACT.
“The Code brings the ACT in line with other States such as Queensland, NSW, Victoria and Tasmania,” Mr Ponton said.
He said approximately 30 Icon Water and ACT Government dams would initially be regulated in accordance with the Code, which included a transition period of up to five years to enable dam owners to establish dam safety management and surveillance practices.
“It makes sense to set up the systems to manage the risks presented by dam ownership,” Mr Ponton said.
“In this way, we are protecting our homes, environment, economy and even lives.”
The Minister’s approved new 25-page Code can be accessed as a disallowable instrument on the Legislative Assembly’s website at this PS News link.