Title to the entire NSW National Parks estate could be returned to Aboriginal owners under a ground-breaking new management model currently in development.
Opening consultation on the Department of Planning and Environment’s (DPE) Aboriginal joint management model, Minister for the Environment, James Griffin said the new model could lead to the handback of title to all NSW national parks over a 15-to-20-year period.
“Already, more than 30 per cent of the NSW national parks estate is covered by joint management, but Aboriginal people currently hold title or native title to just over four per cent of it,” Mr Griffin said.
“Expansion of the joint management model in this way would be a historic step that no other Australian jurisdiction and few other countries, if any, have taken,” he said.
“This is putting Aboriginal land management and stewardship at the heart of our efforts to conserve our precious environment and care for Country.”
Mr Griffin said expanding Aboriginal joint management would enhance opportunities for Aboriginal employment and businesses, while strengthening the role of Aboriginal people in decision-making, cultural heritage protection and park management.
He said DPE’s consultation process was expected to take 18 months and would involve engagement with Aboriginal communities as well as a broad range of stakeholders.
“Under a new model, the public will have continued access to national parks, and transfers of title would be subject to a long-term leaseback of land at nominal rent to Government,” he said.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Ben Franklin said DPE would seek input from Aboriginal people on how to make joint management arrangements work best for them.
“Developing a new model for joint management is one way to make meaningful progress on improving outcomes for Aboriginal people and communities in New South Wales,” Mr Franklin said.
“This is about reconnecting people to country, aligning with native title processes and integrating Aboriginal knowledge in caring for country in the way they’ve been doing for tens of thousands of years.”
Further information on the development of DPE’s Aboriginal joint management model can be accessed at this PS News link.