26 September 2023

Money Magnet: How to Attract and Keep a Fortune That Counts

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Reviewed by Rama Gaind.

By Steve McKnight, Wiley, $32.95.

How to attract and keep a fortune that counts.’ Such significant words that lend credence to this simple yet powerful guide that helps you make, manage and multiply your money.

Not only that, it also helps to make your wealth count by giving it real meaning.

Author and self-made multi-millionaire Steve McKnight provides a practical guide to get past ‘survival mode’. A better and brighter financial future is yours for the taking, and there’s not a moment to lose!

As Steve puts it: You will cast a monetary vision for the rest of your life and it’s that plan which will empower you to live a life of financial freedom and self-funded retirement where you won’t have to rely on government handouts for survival.

My goal is to help you make, manage and multiply your money to become financially empowered, and then to make your money count by using it to live life rich in happiness.”

He shares many “important lessons and insights gleaned from the front line of personal wealth creation: from the things I’ve witnessed being a chartered accountant and advising a variety of clients … to my personal experience building a family fortune buying and selling hundreds of properties.”

Steve has also turned his attention to land conservation and ecosystems management. Royalties from this book ― 100 per cent ― will be applied to supporting environmental revegetation endeavours, including his revegetation project at Carriage Range in north-east Victoria where 300,000 trees have been planted to establish a new permanent native forest.

Where do royalties go from this book? If the answer is correct, you could be one of two winners to get a copy of Money Magnet. Entries should be sent to [email protected] by Monday, 28 November 2022. Names of the winners will be published in Frank Cassidy’s PS-sssst…! column on 29 November 2022.

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