26 September 2023

Mobile covers upgraded for surf beaches

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Mobile coverage is to be upgraded at popular remote surf beaches across the State as a way of improving the safety of beach users.

Following consultation between the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development’s Shark Response Unit, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and Surfing WA, mobile coverage upgrades are to target 18 surf beaches to be funded under the Regional Telecommunications Project.

The result will be better coverage to support emergency responders as well as for regional communities and visitors.

Minister for Regional Development, Alannah MacTiernan said the surf beaches were located along the coastline from the Kimberley to the Great Southern region and had been selected as public safety risk areas with poor or no mobile coverage.

“The funding has been provided as part of the Surf Beaches Mobile Coverage Grants Program, following the successful installation of a small cell mobile base station at Twilight Beach in Esperance in late 2020,” Ms MacTiernan said.

“This plan will vastly improve the ability to communicate in the case of an emergency.”

“These popular beaches were lacking mobile coverage so as part of our commitment to improve connectivity across the State, we have provided the necessary funding through the Surf Beaches Mobile Coverage Grants Program.

She said spending time on beaches and in coastal waters was central to the lifestyle of many Western Australians and this initiative helped make that time a little bit safer.

Applications are now open for service providers to develop proposals to install the equipment at each of the 18 sites.

Submissions must be lodged by 5 December.

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