The Minister for the Public Service, Senator Mathias Cormann said that following the 2020-19 Budget this week, the Australian Public Service (APS) will have responsibility for administering approximately $500.9 billion of taxpayers’ money but he was confident it would be up to the task.
“I am proud of the Australian Government’s world-class public sector” Senator Cormann said.
“The International Civil Service Effectiveness Index ranks Australia 3rd overall on public sector effectiveness, behind only Canada and New Zealand,” he said.
“The World Justice Project Open Government Index ranks Australia 9th out of 102 countries overall, and 5th highest in the world in its handling of complaints about public services.”
Senator Cormann said Australia’s public servants were “committed and values-driven”.
His remarks accompanied the Budget papers which included estimates of APS agency resourcing in the year ahead.
“The Australian public sector workforce is more experienced than ever,” he said.
“The median length of service for APS staff is 11.3 years (and it has) greater overall career experience with the median age of staff increasing from 42 years in 2009 to 44 years in 2018.”
He said that among the projects being developed for the APS was the updating of a whole-of-Government workforce strategy.
“The strategy aims to position the APS as an employer of choice, with a high‑performing, diverse and flexible workforce, mobilised where and when needed.
“The strategy will drive modern workforce practices, inform future capability requirements and help prepare public sector employees for the future.”
The Minister said the strategy would be finalised by the end of this year, having regard to the findings of the Independent Review of the APS.
“A cross-agency taskforce, led by the APS Commission, has developed a new framework to support secondments into the State and Territory public sectors, private sector and not-for-profit sector,” Senator Cormann said.
“A pilot approach to secondments will occur during 2019.
“Enhanced mobility will allow the public sector to draw on a broad base of experience when developing programs, designing and delivering services for citizens, and providing advice to the Government.”
The full text of Senator Cormann’s comments form the Preface of Budget Paper No. 4.