26 September 2023

Migration advisors see review of the future

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The Department of Home Affairs has released a discussion paper as part of a review of the legislative framework governing Australia’s migration advice industry.

The Department said the review would examine how legislation could support a highly qualified and professional industry and ensure the Government could effectively combat misconduct and unlawful operators.

“Registered migration agents provide an essential service in assisting migrants navigate Australia’s visa system,” the Department said.

“While the majority of registered migration agents provide great service, there are some agents and unlawful providers of immigration assistance who exploit both Australia’s immigration system and vulnerable people seeking to visit, work, study and live in Australia.

It said the discussion paper set out its approach for the review and sought stakeholder views on the scope for industry reform, including a range of suggestions for creating a world class industry.

Assistant Minister for Customs, Community Safety and Multicultural Affairs, Jason Wood said the review would build on previous formal reviews of the migration advice industry, which were focussed on reducing regulatory burden for the industry.

“This review will support the development of initiatives to combat serious misconduct by registered agents and unlawful providers, and thereby protect consumers and build confidence in the industry,” Mr Wood said.

He said the majority of registered migration agents provided an excellent service.

Submissions on the discussion paper are to be accepted until 27 July and further information, including how to make a submission, can be accessed at this PS News link.

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