A new mentoring program to support the development of women in the ACT Public Service working in male-dominated areas has attracted 21 participants from across the Directorates.
Announcing the ACT Public Service Women’s Mentoring Program pilot, Minister for Women, Yvette Berry said the program would help develop mentoring opportunities for women in the ACT PS, and raise awareness of gender equality.
“The pilot provides for 21 paired mentors and mentees to participate in a formal program for seven months,” Ms Berry said.
“There has been a large amount of interest in the program from women in the ACT Public Service.”
She said the program was an important action in the ACT Women’s Plan 2016-26: First Action Plan 2017-19 and aimed to support women working in diverse fields, in areas that tended to be male dominated.
“The program aims to support higher performance of participants and demonstrate the value that diversity in leaders can bring to the ACT Public Service,” Ms Berry said.
“The ACT Government is committed to improving gender equality in all walks of society, particularly in the workplace, and it’s important that we continue to lead by example.”
She said the retention of women in the ACT PS was a key consideration of this work.
“It’s important for the women, and it’s beneficial for the Public Service,” she said.
“We know that by providing greater support for skills development, confidence and overcoming practical challenges encourages many women to stay in a workplace longer.”
Ms Berry noted there was still a gender pay gap both in the public sector (3.1 per cent) and across the ACT (12.4 per cent).