Leading Ministers in the ACT Government are calling on landlords and tenants to work together over the coming weeks to get through the COVID-19 lockdown.
Chief Minister, Andrew Barr said the current extended lockdown may present challenges for some people in the community, particularly tenants who had been financially impacted by the public health directions and Attorney-General, Shane Rattenbury encouraged tenants to help landlords by facilitating virtual inspections where necessary and to be patient if there were delays to repairs, particularly non‐urgent repairs.
“To accommodate the financial and public health implications for the community over this period, landlords are encouraged to consider negotiating temporary rent reduction or a rent arrears payment plan where tenants have been impacted financially by the lockdown,” Mr Rattenbury said.
“COVID-19 has had a financial impact on many Canberrans and this has created some challenges for tenants making their rent payments,” he said.
“I encourage tenants to communicate with their landlord if they are experiencing financial difficulty and if they can’t make full rent payment.”
Mr Rattenbury said tenants could negotiate a rent repayment plan with their landlord if they were in arrears, or negotiate a temporary rent reduction.
He said the Justice and Community Safety Directorate had produced a Renting Book which provided information to tenants about their rights and obligations under their tenancy agreement.
He said those needing further advice could contact the Tenants’ Advice Service, provided by Legal Aid ACT, on 1300 402 512.
The Directorate’s 80-page Renting Book can be accessed at this PS News link.