The final report on the Review of the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL): Sea Transport, has been released by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR).
Releasing the report, the Department said it accepted all 49 recommendations, either in full or in principle.
“The review addresses the export of livestock by sea, from sourcing and preparation through to the management of livestock on board vessels,” DAWR said.
The review recommended an allometric approach to calculating stocking densities, which would require more space for livestock on most exports. It recommended an alternative stocking option for short cattle voyages, where there was proven and continued high performance by the exporter and the vessel.
It also recommended that a Heat Stress Risk Assessment (HSRA) be applied to all voyages that crossed the equator.
DAWR said this recommendation would require further model development to cover additional routes, so until then, HSRA would continue to apply to voyages to or through the Middle East.
Other key recommendations focused on increased animal welfare reporting and enhanced sourcing and preparation requirements to support animal welfare outcomes.
DAWR said the ASEL set requirements livestock exporters must meet to ensure animals were fit to export from Australia, and their health and welfare was managed throughout the export voyage.
“The ASEL review was undertaken to ensure the standards for live exports are fit-for-purpose and reflect the latest science,” it said.
The 94-page report of the review can be accessed at this PS News link with the Department’s response at this link.