26 September 2023

Legal files find divorces on the rise

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The Legal Services Commission has expressed its support for an online legal tool which it says is a valuable helper for couples planning to separate, instead of entering messy courtroom battles.

The Commission spoke out after figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) showed South Australian divorces increased by more than 17 per cent between 2020 and 2021, with 3,863 divorces granted.

Chief Executive of the Commission, Gabrielle Canny said the pandemic had been challenging and stressful for couples, but the Government’s legal tool ‘Amica’ helped couples who wished to separate amicably by helping them through parenting, property and financial decisions.

“The last two years have been extremely challenging for all Australians and have placed more stress on some people than others,” Ms Canny said.

“Most separating couples simply want to make sure their arrangement is fair, and in line with what most other people in their situation have done,” she said.

Research undertaken by Amica found nearly one in three couples reported that COVID had put their relationship under pressure or had led them to consider separating from their partner.

“Despite the obvious obstacles that the COVID pandemic has raised, the latest divorce figures demonstrate that for most separating couples it’s really about moving on and planning ahead together for the future they want to have apart,” Ms Canny said.

“The best piece of advice I can give to couples who feel their relationship has run its course is to do your research and arm yourself with information, before you arm yourself with a lawyer,” she said.

For more information on Amica legal aid visit this PS News link.

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