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Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Economic Modelling Officer, Analysis & Insights
Job type: Full-time, Part-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra ACT, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC, Adelaide SA, Brisbane QLD
Salary: $72,967 – $99,167
Classification: APS Level 4; APS Level 5; APS Level 6
Position number: 0436_11/23
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Sunday 3 December 2023
Agency website: https://www.industry.gov.au/
Duties: We have several teams that ensure our modelling is accurate and influential in shaping policy decisions, program design and effective service delivery.
As an APS4 in these teams you will support:
- The application of economic models relevant to a range of policy priorities (e.g. Net-Zero, innovation, technology and competition)
- The delivery of analysis in a supportive and encouraging environment
- Communication with a range of technical and non-technical audiences.
In addition, at the APS5 level you will support:
- The development and/or application of economic models relevant to a range of policy priorities
- The management of projects
- Work with stakeholders to achieve outcomes
Additional responsibilities of an APS 6 Economic Modelling Officer may include:
- Leading work on complex issues and preparing evidence-based policy advice including ministerial briefings
- Collaborating with representatives from industry, state and territory governments, and other Commonwealth Government agencies on development of economic modelling
- Working closely with executive level team members to influence the strategic direction of the team’s work.
Position contact: Warwick Jones
Telephone: 02 6276 1494
Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Evaluation Officer, Analysis & Insights
Job type: Full-time, Part-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra ACT, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC, Adelaide SA, Brisbane QLD
Salary: $72,967 – $99,167
Classification: APS Level 4; APS Level 5; APS Level 6
Position number: 0434_11/23
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Sunday 3 December 2023
Agency website: https://www.industry.gov.au/
Duties: These roles will assist with ensuring strategies and frameworks are in place to enable the department to provide evidence-based insights for informing policy decisions, program
design and effective service delivery.
As an APS 4 Evaluation Officer, you will be responsible for:
- Developing evaluation practice documents (e.g. survey development, analysis and reporting) undertaking department wide co-ordination activities
- Drafting ministerial briefs, short research and evaluation papers
- Supporting team priorities as directed.
Additional responsibilities of an APS 5 Evaluation Officer include:
- Developing and maintaining productive working relationships with internal and external stakeholders
- Designing and drafting evaluation practices, training and tools to mature the department’s evaluation capability
- Supporting departmental governance structures and processes through the provision of clear and accurate reporting on evaluation activities
- Analysing evidence with support and direction.
Additional responsibilities of an APS 6 Senior Evaluation Officer include:
- Providing tailored advice on the design, planning and implementation of evaluations and working with program and policy areas to implement those evaluations
- Working with stakeholders across the department to provide advice and guidance on: evaluation content and costings for New Policy Proposals; appropriate monitoring activities; and the design, planning and conduct of evaluations
- Developing new data collection methods (e.g. surveys) and analysing new and existing data
- Supervising and/or mentoring staff including managing performance, allocating work and identifying opportunities for learning.
- Work closely with executive level team members to influence the strategic direction of the team’s work.
Position contact: Tina Tjia
Telephone: 02 6102 9239
Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Data and Geospatial Officer, Analysis & Insights
Job type: Full-time, Part-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra ACT, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC, Adelaide SA, Brisbane QLD
Salary: $72,967 – $99,167
Classification: APS Level 4; APS Level 5; APS Level 6
Position number: 0432_11/23
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Sunday 03 December 2023
Agency website: https://www.industry.gov.au/
Duties: Assist with the provision of data analysis, visualisation, spatially enabling data, mapping or coding to support the department in providing evidence-based insights for
informing policy decisions, program design and effective service delivery.
As an APS 4 Data Officer, you may be supporting:
- The development of standard data reporting products, including factsheets, regional and sector reports, and ready-to-use data dashboards
- Responses to ad-hoc data requests for policy, program areas, and Ministers’ offices
- Communication with a range of technical and non-technical audiences.
Additional responsibilities of an APS 5 Data Officer may include:
- Providing location-based services and insights including geocoding services, location-based analysis and map production
- Delivering data training to improve staff data literacy, from beginner to advanced level, including data visualisation
- Managing projects
- Working with stakeholders to understand user needs and influence outcomes
Additional responsibilities of an APS 6 Data Officer may include:
- Managing the Government’s policy commitment to make the Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF) openly available, with updates published quarterly via data.gov.au
- Leading work on complex issues, undertake analyses and prepare evidence-based policy advice including ministerial briefings
- Working closely with executive level team members to influence the strategic direction of the team’s work.
Position contact: Tina Tjia
Telephone: 02 6102 9239
Department of Industry, Science and Resources
Economic and Data Policy Officers, Analysis & Insights
Job type: Full-time, Part-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra ACT, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC, Adelaide SA, Brisbane QLD
Salary: $72,967 – $99,167
Classification: APS Level 4; APS Level 5; APS Level 6
Position number: 0435_11/23
Applications close: Sunday 3 December 2023
Agency website: https://www.industry.gov.au/
Duties: We have several teams that contribute to evidence-based and influential advice that shapes policy decisions, program design and effective service delivery.
As an APS 4 Economic or Data Policy Officer, you may be supporting:
- Research and analysis to inform the development and assessment of policy in a supportive and encouraging environment
- The Department’s data governance and analytical frameworks, including ensuring they meet the department’s needs to implement data projects using emerging technologies
- The provision of advice on a range of priority issues (e.g. Net-Zero, innovation, technology and competition), tailored to range of audiences including internal and external stakeholders.
Additional responsibilities of an APS 5 Economic or Data Policy Officer may include:
- Undertaking more complex research and analysis
- Building and maintaining relationships across the department, and with representatives from industry, state and territory government, and other Commonwealth Government agencies
- Driving data strategy and governance outcomes for the department, including guidance for what data sources the department holds and how to access them, and developing the
department’s next data strategy - Engaging in data policy matters, including through the Deputy Secretaries Data Group and the department’s Data Governance Board
- Supporting data sharing across agencies via the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022.
Additional responsibilities of an APS 6 Economic or Data Policy Officer may include:
- Leading work on complex issues and preparing evidence-based policy advice including ministerial briefings
- Working closely with executive level team members to influence the strategic direction of the team’s work.
Position contact: Warwick Jones
Telephone: 02 6276 1494
Australian Communications and Media Authority
Trainee Field Officers (multiple roles), Licensing Infrastructure Safeguards Field Operations
Job type: Full-time, Part-time, Ongoing, Non-Ongoing
Location: Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC
Salary: $63,748 – $69,324
Classification: APS Level 3
Position number: 2093
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Sunday 3 December 2023
Agency website: http://www.acma.gov.au
Job description: As a Trainee, having successfully completed in the last three years (or will complete by December 2024) a Diploma, Advanced Diploma, or associate degree in electronic engineering (or similar), you will receive on-the-job training and work on a wide variety of activities in our Melbourne or Sydney office, and in the field.
Trainee Field Officers will work under supervision out in the community with households, businesses, and industry to resolve complex interference issues to radiocommunications services.
Duties: Our ideal candidates will be team players, who have strong customer service and communications skills, are eager to learn the complexities of working in the field and radiocommunications regulation, are flexible and up for a challenge. They will work in a range of different environments and enjoy the experience of meeting and working with a wide cross-section of the community. The roles will be offered at the APS 3 level, commensurate with the successful candidate’s skills and experience. On completion of the technical trainee program (including mandatory qualifications), trainees will automatically advance to APS 4 level.
Position contact: Chris Wong
Telephone: 03 9963 6808
Department of Health and Aged Care
Program Manager, Quality and Assurance Division
Quality and Assurance Division
Harmonisation and Regulatory Strategy Branch Harmonisation and Program
Management Section
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra ACT, Surry Hills NSW, Melbourne VIC
Salary: $111,940 – $127,670
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: 23-QAADIV-21111
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Tuesday 05 December 2023
Agency website: https://www.health.gov.au
Duties: Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Develop and maintain a suite of program and project management artefacts, including program management plans, risk and issues registers and program schedules.
- Provide clear and accurate monthly program management dashboard reports, highlighting project status, key delivery pressures, and strategic risks and issues.
- Build and maintain a strong working relationship with internal and external stakeholders, including Reform Implementation Division and the Portfolio Support Unit.
- Management and oversight of the monthly Quality and Assurance Program Board to support strategic discussions and decision making with relevant senior executive.
- Design and deliver a benefits management approach to enable the tracking, measurement and reporting of benefits from across the program.
- Provide expert advice and guidance on best practice project and program management methodologies.
Position contact: Jessica Robinson
Telephone: 02 6289 2518
Department of Health and Aged Care
Senior Communication Officer, Public Information Various
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Woden ACT, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC, Perth WA, Adelaide SA
Salary: $91,092 – $102,765
Classification: APS Level 6
Position number: 23-PCPDIV-21023
Applications close: Friday 8 December 2023
Agency website: https://www.health.gov.au
Duties: The Department of Health and Aged Care is looking to fill Senior Communication Officer and Senior Campaign Officer roles across our strategic communication and campaigns sections.
As a Senior Communication/Campaign Officer, you will be proactive and agile and have experience in public relations, marketing and communication strategy development.
Senior Communication and Campaign Officers have the opportunity to work on a wide range of important programs and initiatives that directly benefit the health and wellbeing of Australians.
We want to hear from you if you:
- Have experience in strategic communication, public relations, campaigns or marketing.
- Want to work on subjects that make a real difference and help keep Australians healthy and safe.
- Know the value of data and evidence in developing and implementing effective communication strategies.
- Are willing to learn and develop your skills.
- Have an interest in health, aged care and sport and want to help our policy colleagues communicate with and protect the Australian community.
Position contact: Ruby Green
Telephone: 02 62897797
Department of Industry, Science and Resources
AV Producer, Chief Operating Officer. Communications Branding, Visual Design & Internal Comms
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra ACT
Salary: $72,967 – $78,763
Classification: APS Level 4
Position number: 0363_10/23
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Wednesday 6 December 2023
Agency website: https://www.industry.gov.au/
Duties: As the APS4 Video Producer, you will:
- Work collaboratively as part of the Audio-Visual team to deliver audience-focused rich content (including video, stills and audio) and support live production and video
conferencing. - Apply your technical and planning skills to operate and maintain equipment and optimise the use of the department’s production spaces.
- Look for innovative ways to develop digital production; to this end, a working knowledge of drone technologies and other interactive technologies is advantageous.
- Work closely with staff and stakeholders to produce quality content which aligns with the department’s strategic initiatives.
- Provide support to the Production Manager and teams throughout the Department by providing advice, information and demonstrations to support digital literacy.
- Contribute positively to the team’s culture, guiding and mentoring junior staff and supporting the Production Manager in building team capability and setting team members up
for success.
Position contact: Aiden Lynch
Telephone: 02 6102 9335
Geoscience Australia
Project Manager
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Symonston ACT
Salary: $109,001 – $123,220
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: 18914
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Sunday 3 December 2023
Agency website: https://www.ga.gov.au/
Duties: We have an opportunity for a Project Manager with exceptional scheduling skills in the SouthPAN project team. The Project Manager is responsible for supporting the delivery of the SouthPAN project in accordance with our project management frameworks, the overall master and sub schedule integrity across the Systems Development Lifecycle (SDLC). The Project manager will manage a team of project officers and project coordinator(s). The Project Manager reports to the SouthPan Delivery Manager to deliver the SouthPAN project. They are part of the virtual SouthPAN project team located across Canberra and Wellington. This role will work closely with the SouthPAN Delivery Manager, Engineering Manager, Contract Manager, Project Directors, engineers, project management team, partner organisations, project stakeholders, and project supporting functions. They will provide technical leadership to the project support team.
Position contact: Sven Wittchen
Telephone: 02 6126 8745
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Senior Adviser – Various (EL2), Cabinet Division Cabinet Division
Job type: Full-time, Part-time, Ongoing, Non-Ongoing
Location: Barton ACT
Salary: $136,220 – $162,124
Classification: Executive Level 2
Position number: PMC/2023/240
Security clearance: Negative Vetting Level 1or Negative Vetting Level 2
Applications close: Sunday 3 December 2023
Agency website: https://dpmc.nga.net.au
Duties: We are looking for someone who:
- Is a problem-solver who can build strong professional relationships and collaborate to achieve outcomes
- Has an established network across government
- Exhibits strong judgement, discretion and professionalism
- Is a flexible and resilient leader who can motivate and support diverse teams and build a vibrant, inclusive culture
- Demonstrates high level policy, analytical and conceptual skills
- Has outstanding communication and interpersonal skills to engage with senior stakeholders on complex issues
- Demonstrates knowledge and experience in the conduct of Cabinet processes, the budget process and decision-making by the Australian Government
- Is able to undertake occasional evening work.
Position contact: Leonie McGregor
Telephone: 02 6271 5440
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Assistant Directors (Sydney) – Various including Policy, Investment and Corporate – Net Zero Economy Agency
Job type: Ongoing, Non-Ongoing
Location: Sydney NSW
Salary: $117,036 – $133,387
Classification: Executive Level 1
Job reference: PMC/2023/247
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Wednesday 6 December 2023
Agency website: https://dpmc.nga.net.au
Duties: Multiple opportunities are available across the Industry and Investment Division. This Division is responsible for facilitating public and private investment in regions needed
to achieve a positive transformation to a net zero economy. Its main functions include:
- Working with other state, Commonwealth and local government agencies to investigate transformative projects in regions which can help decarbonize industries or capture economic opportunities from the global transition to net zero emissions.
- Helping project proponents navigate financing available from government, such as through programs and Specialist Investment Vehicles.
- Coordinating across government agencies and Specialist Investment Vehicles to catalyse investment in transformative projects. The Division also houses the Agency’s data and analysis function, for which opportunities exist.
Policy and Governance Division Multiple opportunities are available across the Policy and Governance Division. The Division is responsible for policy coordination and advice, communications, and corporate services.
Its main functions include:
- Leading the establishment of the legislated Authority, including the development and passage of enabling legislation.
- Engaging with other government departments to ensure net zero economic transition issues and opportunities are appropriately identified and addressed in the development and delivery of government policies and programs.
- Developing and delivering a strategy for actively communicating with Australians, especially in key regions, about net zero economic transformation.
- Coordinating stakeholder engagement activities across the Agency/Authority to provide a joined-up stakeholder experience.
- Providing secretariat support for the Agency’s Advisory Board. Corporate Strategy and Services Branch
A merit pool may be established and used to fill the same or similar vacancies for 18 months from the date of advertising.
Position contact: Sam Hurley
Email: [email protected]
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Directors (Sydney) – Various including Policy, Investment and Corporate – Net Zero Economy Agency
Job type: Ongoing and Non-ongoing
Location: Sydney NSW
Salary: $136,220 – $162,124
Classification: Executive Level 2
Job reference: PMC/2023/248
Security clearance: Baseline Vetting (Protected)
Applications close: Wednesday 6 December 2023
Agency website: https://dpmc.nga.net.au
The opportunity: Multiple opportunities are available across the Industry and Investment Division. This Division is responsible for facilitating public and private investment in regions needed to achieve a positive transformation to a net zero economy. Multiple opportunities are available across the Policy and Governance Division. The Division is responsible for policy coordination and advice, communications, and corporate services.
Corporate Strategy and Services Branch, within the Policy and Governance Division, is responsible for delivering corporate and governance services to the Agency. This includes the development of corporate and governance systems and capabilities to enable the Authority to stand-up and operate as a separate entity, targeting a start of 1 July 2024. Multiple opportunities are available across the Regions and Workers Division. The Division is responsible for developing strategies and coordinating supports to help workers, communities and regions manage the impacts and capture the benefits of the net zero transition.
A merit pool may be established and used to fill the same or similar vacancies for 18 months from the date of advertising.
Position contact: Josh Cosgrave
Telephone: 02 6228 6605
Email: [email protected]
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Advisers (Sydney) – Various including Policy, Investment and Corporate – Net Zero Economy Agency
Job type: Ongoing and Non-ongoing
Location: Sydney NSW
Salary: $74,575 – $79,755, $82,339 – $88,028, $91,072 – $102,344
Classification: APS Level 4, APS Level 5 and APS Level 6
Job reference: PMC/2023/246
Security clearance: Baseline Vetting (Protected)
Applications close: Wednesday 6 December 2023
Agency website: https://dpmc.nga.net.au
The opportunity: Multiple exciting opportunities are anticipated for hands-on, solutions focused professionals. Flexibility and adaptability will be important, noting some roles may evolve over time as the Agency develops. This recruitment process will be used by hiring managers to fill a range of roles across all Divisions. Multiple opportunities are available across the Industry and Investment Division. This Division is responsible for facilitating public and private investment in regions needed to achieve a positive transformation to a net zero economy. Multiple opportunities are available across the Policy and Governance Division. The Division is responsible for policy coordination and advice, communications, and corporate services.
Corporate Strategy and Services Branch, within the Policy and Governance Division, is responsible for delivering corporate and governance services to the Agency. This includes the development of corporate and governance systems and capabilities to enable the Authority to stand-up and operate as a separate entity, targeting a start of 1 July 2024.
Multiple opportunities are available across the Regions and Workers Division. The Division is responsible for developing strategies and coordinating supports to help workers, communities and regions manage the impacts and capture the benefits of the net zero transition.
The Division will focus geographically and ensure the activities of the Agency are tailored for, and well-informed by, regions. The Division is expected to take an active role on-the-ground supporting workers and regions, including coordinating the delivery of transition supports and helping workers identify and access supports they need to transition to new employment or other opportunities. A merit pool may be established and used to fill the same or similar vacancies for 18 months from the date of advertising.
Position contact: Frances Christodoulou
Email: [email protected]
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Senior Adviser, Industry, Infrastructure & Environment Division
Job type: Ongoing
Location: Barton ACT
Salary: $136,220 – $162,124
Classification: Executive Level 2
Job reference: PMC/2023/245
Security clearance: Baseline Vetting (Protected)
Applications close: Monday 11 December 2023
Agency website: https://dpmc.nga.net.au
The opportunity: The Industry, Infrastructure and Environment Division (II&E) is looking to fill Senior Adviser (EL2) positions. In II&E, we work together to solve problems, strive to
make a difference, lean into tough issues, focus on what matters most, and respect and support each other.
Senior Adviser’s in II&E lead small teams working across a wide range of portfolios: energy, climate change, infrastructure investment and transport policy, communications and the arts, agriculture, regional policy, industry and science policy, the environment and water and resources.
Across these issues, teams analyse and provide advice to the Prime Minister on policy development and program delivery, including on Commonwealth Budget and Cabinet processes, legislation and other Parliamentary processes. We work closely with other Commonwealth agencies to get things done and focus on what matters most.
Vacancies are available immediately and over the course of 2024. A merit pool will be established to fill vacancies for 18 months from date of advertising.
Position contact: Anthea Fell
Telephone: 02 6271 5290
Email: [email protected]
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
Executive Officer, Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
Job type: Full-time, Part-time, Ongoing, Non-Ongoing
Location: Canberra ACT, Armidale NSW
Salary: $138,052 – $158,375
Classification: Executive Level 2
Position number: 01211
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Sunday 3 December 2023
Agency website: https://apvma.gov.au/node/1063
The role: As an Executive Officer, you will be required to maintain close working relationships with all members of the Senior Executive Service (SES) and the Office of the CEO. In addition, this position will work closely with the APVMA’s Board Secretary, Senior Leadership Team (SLT), communications team and senior stakeholders across the organisation to coordinate the agency’s agenda.
Externally, the role will work with the minister’s office, industry stakeholders and Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries staff to navigate the interactions of strategy, policy, relationships, and technology.
- Providing direct, timely and well-judged advice and support to the CEO.
- Engaging with a range of operational issues and projects and utilising excellent judgement in the provision of strategic advice.
- Interpret, draft, and review relevant correspondence, communication activities and/or preparation of reports with complex and sensitive information such as senate estimate briefs,
Board reports, CEO speeches, and meeting briefings. - Manage all aspects of the CEO’s office in collaboration with the EAs.
- Assist the CEO with relevant Executive Leadership Team processes, action plans and relevant workflows in collaboration with the SLT.
- Manage a large and dynamic workload, prioritising, coordinating and delegating tasks as required.
- Exercise a high degree of independence and self-direction.
- Operate as an effective team player with the ability to work well with others, have strong interpersonal skills and work well under pressure.
Position contact: Jarrod Lee
Telephone: +61 2 6770 2350
Department of Defence
Legal Officer, Associate Secretary Group
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra ACT
Salary: $64,749 – $136,464
Classification: APS 6 or EL1
Position number: ASG/09725/23
Security clearance: Baseline Vetting
Applications close: Sunday 10 December 2023
Agency website: https://defencecareers.nga.net.au
Duties: Defence Legal team provides complex and sensitive legal advice to assist Defence to manage a diverse workforce, ensure compliance with the Commonwealth Financial
Framework and to resolve financial claims against the Commonwealth. Working as a member of the team, the day-to-day tasks undertaken by the role include:
- Providing legal advice to internal Defence clients, drafting and reviewing documents on matters relating to APS Employment, ADF Service and Contractor Engagement.
- Providing legal advice to internal Defence clients, drafting and reviewing documents on matters relating to the PGPA Act, including grants.
- Managing requests for discretionary financial assistance submitted in relation to the work of Defence, including gathering information and providing advice to assist decision makers to
determine claims. - Providing support to the Defence Force Advocate and Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal processes.
- Drafting, reviewing and providing legal advice on various legal documents, including ministerial submissions, briefs and correspondence.
- Providing strategic advice to assist internal Defence clients to improve decision making and systems with a view to reducing legal risk.
- Working closely with other parts of Defence Legal, Defence and other parts of Government, to facilitate the provision of legal advice in accordance with the Legal Services Directions
2017. - Supervising and mentoring junior members of the team.
Position contact: Ingrid Singh
Telephone: 02 6203 6875