Looking to join the public service or change jobs within it? Check out our jobs board for a wide selection of the positions on offer. Photo: File.
Department of the Treasury
Small and Family Business Division
APS5-APS6 Analysts & EL1 Assistant Directors
Job type: Full-time; Part-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT; Sydney, NSW; Melbourne, VIC; Perth, WA
Salary: $86,940 – $146,743
Classification: APS Level 5; APS Level 6; Executive Level 1
Position number: 40-2024
Security clearance: As required
Applications close: Sunday, 19 May, 2024
Agency website: https://treasury.gov.au
- Work within a diverse team to deliver research and analysis, and strategic policy advice in relation to matters affecting small businesses.
- Design and implement small-business programs, including developing legislation
- Build positive, collaborative working relationships with, and be responsive to the needs of, a broad range of stakeholders, including across governments, portfolio regulators, industry peak bodies, corporate entities and small businesses.
- Demonstrate initiative, flexibility, and capacity to solve problems and work effectively with others, with a strong desire to contribute to the work and culture of the division.
- Prepare high-quality reports, briefings, submissions and correspondence.
Position contact: Kylie Bourke
Telephone: (02) 6263 4332.
Department of Finance
Government and Defence
Defence Branch
Assistant Director, Defence Budget Policy
Job type: Full-time; Part-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Salary: $122,240 – $148,030
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: 2024/103
Security clearance: NV1
Applications close: Sunday, 19 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.finance.gov.au
Duties: We have a range of EL1 opportunities available across the branch and are happy to work with successful candidates to find a role that best suits their interests, skills and capabilities. We actively seek to develop the professional and technical capabilities of our people and expand their career pathways and networks.
Key responsibilities include:
- Working closely with the Department of Defence, Australian Signals Directorate, Australian Submarine Agency, other Defence entities and central agencies to support the development and government consideration of Defence proposals, including analysing, costing and reviewing new policy proposals and Defence capability investment proposals.
- Providing budget, financial management and investment advice in support of the government decision-making processes and the delivery of the Budget and Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook.
- Supporting the Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet, National Security Committee of Cabinet, and National Security Investment Sub-committee of Cabinet, and our senior executive, on policy and financial issues relating to the Defence portfolio, including reviewing updates to specific spending estimates and the Defence Integrated Investment Program.
- Drafting briefing and other correspondence for the Minister for Finance’s consideration on Defence proposals.
Position contact: Dave Hughes
Telephone: (02) 6215 1658.
Department of Finance
Government and Defence
Defence Branch
Assistant Director, Defence Budget Policy – Affirmative Measures Disability
Job type: Full-time; Part-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Salary: $122,240 – $148,030
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: 2024/103 (AMD)
Security clearance: NVI
Applications close: Sunday, 19 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.finance.gov.au
Duties: We have a range of EL1 opportunities available across the branch and are happy to work with successful candidates to find a role that best suits their interests, skills and capabilities. We actively seek to develop the professional and technical capabilities of our people and expand their career pathways and networks.
Key responsibilities include:
- Working closely with the Department of Defence, Australian Signals Directorate, Australian Submarine Agency, other Defence entities and central agencies to support the development and government consideration of Defence proposals, including analysing, costing and reviewing new policy proposals and Defence capability investment proposals.
- Providing budget, financial management and investment advice in support of the government decision-making processes and the delivery of the Budget and Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook.
- Supporting the Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet, National Security Committee of Cabinet, and National Security Investment Sub-committee of Cabinet, and our senior executive, on policy and financial issues relating to the Defence portfolio, including reviewing updates to specific spending estimates and the Defence Integrated Investment Program.
- Drafting briefing and other correspondence for the Minister for Finance’s consideration on Defence proposals.
Position contact: Dave Hughes
Telephone: (02) 6215 1658.
Department of Finance
Government and Defence
Defence Branch
Assistant Director, Defence Budget Policy – Affirmative Measures Indigenous
Job type: Full-time; Part-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Salary: $122,240 – $148,030
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: 2024/103 (AMD)
Security clearance: NVI
Applications close: Sunday, 19 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.finance.gov.au
Duties: We have a range of EL1 opportunities available across the branch and are happy to work with successful candidates to find a role that best suits their interests, skills and capabilities. We actively seek to develop the professional and technical capabilities of our people and expand their career pathways and networks.
Key responsibilities include:
- Working closely with the Department of Defence, Australian Signals Directorate, Australian Submarine Agency, other Defence entities and central agencies to support the development and government consideration of Defence proposals, including analysing, costing and reviewing new policy proposals and Defence capability investment proposals.
- Providing budget, financial management and investment advice in support of the government decision-making processes and the delivery of the Budget and Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook.
- Supporting the Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet, National Security Committee of Cabinet, and National Security Investment Sub-committee of Cabinet, and our senior executive, on policy and financial issues relating to the Defence portfolio, including reviewing updates to specific spending estimates and the Defence Integrated Investment Program.
- Drafting briefing and other correspondence for the Minister for Finance’s consideration on Defence proposals.
Position contact: Dave Hughes
Telephone: (02) 6215 1658.
Attorney-General’s Department
Australian Federal Police
Chief Financial Officer
Finance Team Leaders (various roles)
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Salary: $113,563 – $121,628
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: 12977
Security clearance: Negative Vetting 1 (Secret)
Applications close: Sunday, 19 May, 2024
Agency website: https://careers.afp.gov.au
Duties: The Finance and Budget Management Branch is responsible for the provision of efficient, effective and compliant financial management and advice across the AFP. The branch has several current and anticipated vacancies available at the band 7 level.
As a Team Leader you also play a pivotal role in developing people, managing change and influencing behaviours that lead to a supportive culture that respects the perspectives, talents and value of each individual. Consistent with the AFP values, AFP leadership philosophy, organisational reform agendas, AFP corporate business plans and your Performance Development Agreement, the expectation is that you will deliver on the core responsibilities and meet any requirements of the position as outlined below.
What will you do?
- Lead and develop a team of finance professionals.
- Deliver timely financial information, analysis and advice to assist the organisation in making decisions.
- Establish a working relationship and communicate with external stakeholders, Assistant Commissioners, Commanders and other operational staff to assist with financial management, reporting and budget development.
- Work flexibly across various teams depending on work requirements.
- Challenge existing work practices in an effort to gain efficiencies and benefits for the AFP.
- Supervise and support your team, manage resources and balance competing priorities to deliver timely and accurate results.
Position contact: Megan Kildea
Telephone: (02) 5126 8311.
Department of Education, Skills and Employment
National Gallery of Australia
Building Services and Infrastructure
Capital Works
Governance, Compliance and Risk Manager
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Parkes, ACT
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: NEW
Applications close: Sunday, 19 May, 2024
Agency website: https://nga.gov.au
Duties: In accordance with the EL1 work-level standards, you will have the following key responsibilities:
- Operate as a member of the Building Services and Infrastructure portfolio leadership team, fostering partnerships and collaboration across the team to achieve quality results.
- Provide proactive, high-level support across a range of governance, compliance and reporting activities, ensuring a focus on safety, environment, quality and timeliness.
- Manage and coordinate the application of a capital works project quality framework using best-practice management. This includes motivating a team of infrastructure professionals to apply the framework for excellence in the delivery of complex infrastructure projects.
- Identify, develop, implement and maintain project management strategies, structures and systems to ensure the provision of effective and efficient support to the portfolio.
- Analysing documentation and information to identify current and emerging risks across the portfolio and programs of work, enable collaboration with stakeholders to identify solutions and ensure timely reporting/briefing of those risks.
- Undertake planning, scheduling, management of approvals and maintaining relationships to ensure that deadlines are met, the highest quality is maintained, and clarity is communicated.
- Research, analyse and prepare comprehensive, well-analysed and evidenced-based papers, briefings, advice and reports in accordance with established frameworks, legislation, and policies and procedures.
Position contact: Sophie Gray
Telephone: 0427 404 416.
Department of Finance
Government and Defence
Defence Branch
Defence Budget Policy Officers
Job type: Full-time; Part-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Classification: APS Level 4; APS Level 5; APS Level 6
Position number: 2024/102
Security clearance: NV1
Applications close: Sunday, 19 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.finance.gov.au
Duties: We have a range of APS4, APS5 and APS6 opportunities available across the branch and are happy to work with successful candidates to find a role that best suits their interests, skills and capabilities. We actively seek to develop the professional and technical capabilities of our people and expand their career pathways and networks.
We work together in small teams to deliver on our responsibilities, including:
- Working closely with the Department of Defence, Australian Signals Directorate, Australian Submarine Agency and other Defence entities and central agencies to support the development and government consideration of Defence proposals, including analysing, costing and reviewing new policy proposals and Defence capability investment proposals.
- Providing budget, financial management and investment advice in support of the government decision-making processes and the delivery of the Budget and Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook.
- Supporting the Expenditure Review Committee of Cabinet, National Security Committee of Cabinet, and National Security Investment Sub-committee of Cabinet, and our senior executive, on policy and financial issues relating to the Defence portfolio, including reviewing updates to specific spending estimates and the Defence Integrated Investment Program.
- Drafting briefing and other correspondence for the Minister for Finance’s consideration on Defence proposals.
Position contact: Dave Hughes
Telephone: (02) 6215 1658.
Services Australia (part of the Social Services Portfolio)
Chief Financial Officer
Assistant Director – Procurement and/or Contract Management
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Salary: $114,128 – $126,462
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: EXT-EL-2024-459
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Monday, 20 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/organisations/about-us/careers
- Leading a team to deliver procurement and/or contract management services, including specialist advice to the agency and Shared Services consumers.
- Leading a team to procure and manage large technology and digital contracts, including telecommunications, hardware and software, and procurements through Whole of Australian Government contracting arrangements.
- Undertaking complex contract negotiations and dispute resolution, and managing legal and probity matters.
- Applying strong written communication skills to plan, prepare and develop documentation consistent with Commonwealth and agency writing and style guides.
- Developing and maintaining strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders, including managing external vendors.
- Managing staff performance, attendance, and health and wellbeing, and developing staff capability through coaching, mentoring, training and upskilling.
Position contact: Chris Flinders
Telephone: 0439 678 241.
Services Australia (part of the Social Services Portfolio)
Chief Financial Officer
Senior Procurement and/or Contract Manager
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Salary: $91,244 – $105,509
Classification: APS Level 6
Position number: EXT-EL-2024-461
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Monday, 20 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/organisations/about-us/careers
- Providing specialist advice and support on the application of relevant legislative and administrative arrangements to inform efficient, effective, economical and ethical decision-making in the agency.
- Developing and reviewing a range of contract management documentation, including preparation of contracts, official orders, risk plans, variations and related correspondence.
- Developing and maintaining strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders, including effectively managing contract inquiries, issues, disputes, variations and risks, and escalating when required.
- Developing and implementing changes in workplace practices and business improvement strategies and assisting the team to transition with change.
- Motivating, guiding and developing staff, and identifying opportunities to enhance team performance.
Position contact: Chris Flinders
Telephone: 0439 678 241.
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Exports and Veterinary Services
Veterinary & Export Meat
On-Plant Veterinarian
Job type: Full-time; Part-time; Casual, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Various locations – WA; various locations – NT; various locations – SA; various locations – QLD; various locations – NSW; various locations – VIC; various locations – TAS Salary: $79,206 – $129,593
Classification: APS Level 6
Position number: 2024/904
Applications close: Monday, 20 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.agriculture.gov.au
Duties: OPVs perform inspection of animals, meat and meat products and verify export-registered abattoirs’ compliance with export meat requirements across Australia. They are responsible for ensuring processors meet their obligation to comply with relevant export legislation, particularly as it applies to food safety, product integrity, animal welfare and the specific requirements of importing countries. OPVs often manage a small team of departmental staff performing inspections at export abattoirs.
OPV activities include:
- Ante-mortem inspection (including disposition – where they can identify whether an animal is suitable for human consumption).
- Monitoring of animal welfare.
- Supervision and verification of post-mortem inspection and, at times, performing inspection.
- Verification of processor hygiene and product integrity practices, and ensuring non-compliance is managed appropriately by the processor.
- Collecting samples for testing to verify microbiological and chemical residues relating to food safety.
- Verifying the processor is meeting importing-country requirements.
The OPV role is critical to ensuring the safety, sustainability and integrity of Australian meat exports. Applicants should note that as a Veterinary Officer in VEMB, you may be required to undertake activities across export meat and live-animal veterinary officer roles.
Position contact: Kylie Ollington
Telephone: 0466 946 475.
Services Australia (part of the Social Services Portfolio)
Chief Financial Officer
Procurement and/or Contract Manager
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Salary: $82,427 – $88,944
Classification: APS Level 5
Position number: EXT-EL-2024-462
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Monday, 20 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/organisations/about-us/careers
Providing advice and support to stakeholders to undertake a range of medium-level-complexity and risk-based procurement activities.
Providing advice and support on the application of relevant legislative and administrative arrangements to inform efficient, effective, economical and ethical decision-making in the agency.
Undertaking procurement activities and or contract administration functions, including preparation of simple contracts, official orders, variations and related correspondence on behalf of stakeholders.
Maintaining stakeholder relationships to achieve work area goals, anticipating and responding.
Position contact: Kim Laybutt
Telephone: 0436 614 598.
Department of Social Services
National Disability Insurance Agency
SA, WA, NT and Remote Division
SA Service Delivery Branch, SA Planning Support Team
APS 2 Administration Officer – Affirmative Measures (Disability – Intellectual Disability)
Job type: Full-time; Part-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: St Marys, SA
Salary: $57,640 – $65,044
Classification: APS Level 2
Position number: 0175_01/24_EXT
Applications close: Monday, 20 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.ndis.gov.au
Duties: Our successful candidate will also need the following checks and clearance to perform this essential role with the NDIA:
- Working with Children Check
- NDIS Worker Screening Check
- Pre-Engagement Check – this is a mandatory pre-employment security-screening process. All employees and contractors of NDIA must undertake a Pre-Engagement Check. This check is undertaken for any individual who will have non-public access to agency resources (information, buildings, systems, assets, staff and customers).
- Evidence of intellectual disability from a medical professional.
Position contact: Linda Turpin
Telephone: 0475 828 248.
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Australian National Audit Office
Systems Assurance and Data Analytics
EL1 Director – Systems Assurance and Data Analytics
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Barton, ACT
Salary: $119,897 – $135,112
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: 033/2024
Security clearance: As required
Applications close: Wednesday, 22 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.anao.gov.au
Duties: In the Systems Assurance section of SADA, under the broad guidance of the Executive Director/Senior Director, you will:
- Either individually or with the Senior Director, lead and manage multiple teams responsible for undertaking IT audit engagements (supporting performance and financial audits).
- Undertake and document audits of more complex general IT controls and IT application controls.
- Exercise quality control and a high level of professional and technical expertise in completing your own work and in reviewing the work of junior staff.
- Develop high-performing teams, including mentoring, guiding and supporting professional development of staff.
- Manage professional relationships with key internal and external stakeholders, including ANAO senior management, audit entity management, peer auditing organisations, standard-setters and professional forums.
- Provide professional and technical advice on a range of IT risks and audit issues.
- Raise awareness of IT issues for performance and financial audits.
- Contribute to the strategic direction of IT audit and data analytics within ANAO, including assisting in the formulation of business and operational plans for the work area.
- Contribute to the development, implementation and monitoring of the ANAO quality framework, including assisting in the planning and reporting of quality assurance activities.
- Make a significant contribution to the achievement of organisational objectives.
- Maintain and develop technical knowledge through learning and development activities.
As an EL1, you will have access to more experienced specialists in different disciplines, and ongoing training, in understanding the IT/cyber/data risks relevant to our work. It is not expected that you will be an SME in all domains initially, but there is room to advance and grow your skill set in these areas in future.
Position contact: Edwin Apoderado
Telephone: (02) 6203 7312.
Department of Home Affairs
National Operations
Marine Deployments and Support, Maritime Deployments and Support
Commanding Officer (Thaiyak/Bay class)
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Various locations – SA; various locations – NSW; various locations – NT; various locations – QLD; various locations – ACT; various locations – SA; various locations – VIC; various locations – WA
Salary: $90,199 – $103,770
Classification: APS Level 6
Position number: 131754
Security clearance: Negative Vetting Level 1
Applications close: Sunday, 26 May, 2024
Agency website: http://www.homeaffairs.gov.au
Duties: The CO has overall command of the vessel and managing a team of 16 (Thaiyak) or 12 (Bay-class) officers. This involves:
- Enforcing all applicable Australian laws through powers conferred by relevant Commonwealth legislation.
- Conducting independent and joint operations in all maritime areas as directed by Operational Command. This includes all areas within the AEEZ, including remote Territories. It may also include operations outside of Australia in conjunction with, or in support of, other nations.
- Leading and managing a crew of up to 16 (Thaiyak) or 12 (Bay-class), which includes a strong focus on training and development of individual officers and the crew as a whole. The management of the crew will not be limited to those days while on patrol but encompass the entire period of their assignment.
- Performing the duties of On Scene Commander and Operation Commander in charge of multiple assets, utilising Operation Command principles. This includes the preparation of operation orders, the conduct of formal situational appreciations and the completion of situational and other required reports.
- Ensuring the safe navigation of the vessel.
- Ensuring the vessel is maintained in accordance with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements. This includes oversight of the Engineering Officer in the completion of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, always with a view to maintaining a high state of operability outside of scheduled maintenance periods.
- Implementation of the SMS on-board, including reviewing and reporting any deficiencies.
- Overseeing the completion of all administrative duties required for the efficient and safe operation of the ship, including the creation of complete and accurate records in accordance with departmental policy.
- Issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner.
- Ensuring the configuration of the vessel and its capability is maintained as designed.
- Developing and maintaining key external stakeholder engagement with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA); Maritime Border Command (MBC); The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW); Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA); TOLL; port operators (harbourmasters); Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC); Indian Ocean Territories (IOT) Administrators; and AUSTAL.
- Undertaking search-and-rescue (SAR) activities in conjunction with external agencies. This may include undertaking the role of On Scene SAR coordinator when required.
- Enforcing relevant legislation administered by ABF officers.
- Promoting the capabilities of ABF Cutters, and the capabilities/limitations of ABF Cutters and their crews to external stakeholders and clients.
- Assisting in career development and personal administration of subordinate officers.
- Ensuring the provision of a safe and fair workplace as required under Equity and Diversity and Work Health and Safety (WHS) policies.
- Implementing and directing required emergency drills.
- Carrying out the role of on-board medical officer, which includes maintaining and dispensing the vessels medical outfit.
- Managing and controlling the embarked Personal Defence Equipment (PDE) and acting as the ABF Authorised Arms Issuing Officer (AAIO), a task for which the administrative responsibility is delegated to a responsible qualified Marine Tactical Officer.
- Preparing the cutter and crew for operational compliance assessments by Marine Operational Capability officers and implementing recommendations to resolve any identified issues.
- Mentoring and training crew and facilitating attendance to formal shore-side training programs.
- Ensuring all crew are aware of emerging ABF issues and information, including providing timely access to Marine Unit Notice (MUN), Work Instructions (WI), Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Instructions & Guidelines (I&Gs) and policies.
- Being available to be rostered to other cutters within the ABF fleet.
- Ensuring that security protocols are maintained with respect to the vessel’s information and IT equipment.
Position contact: Glenn Wells, N/A
Department of Home Affairs
Maritime Border Command and OSB
Marine Deployments and Support, Marine Crew Rosters and Deployments
Marine Operations Officer (OPSO) and Team Leader (TL)
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Various locations – WA; various locations – ACT; various locations – NSW; various locations – NT; various locations – QLD; various locations – SA; various locations – VIC
Salary: $80,748 – $87,572
Classification: APS Level 5
Position number: 131342
Security clearance: Negative Vetting Level 1
Applications close: Sunday, 26 May, 2024
Agency website: http://www.homeaffairs.gov.au
- Oversee and conduct boarding and searching of vessels, seizing prohibited goods, handling evidence, apprehending and questioning suspects, obtaining statements and coordinating documents for prosecution briefs.
- Oversee the processing and on-board management of persons in custody embarked on ABFCs.
- Provide armed support for client personnel as required.
- Prepare and present mission briefings and plans to ensure the safe, efficient and effective execution of operations in accordance with all relevant laws/conventions/regulations/orders.
- Conduct lookout duties on bridge of ABFC. Control deck-mounted weapons as the principal.
- Maintain operational capability through management of vessel logistics, including the submission of Logistics Requests (LOGREQs), vessel supplies, victualling and medical orders.
- Contribute to the Group Command functions as directed in accordance with operation command principles.
- Maintain direct oversight of the Marine Tactical Officers (MTOs) by providing performance assessments, mentoring and facilitating professional development through training.
- Ensure compliance with Work Health and Safety (WHS), Equity and Diversity, Australian Public Service (APS) Values and Code of Conduct Standards in the workplace.
- All officers are responsible for creating complete and accurate records in accordance with the Recordkeeping Practice Statement and Instruction and Guidelines.
Position contact: Shane Nesbitt, N/A
Department of the Senate
Committee Office
Indigenous Liaison Officer
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Barton, ACT
Salary: $104,587 – $114,727
Classification: APS Level 6
Position number: 22
Applications close: Sunday, 26 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Department_of_the_Senate
- Liaise with a diverse range of stakeholders and establish effective professional relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, networks and organisations.
- Provide expert oral and written advice in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols, practices and issues related to the work of committees.
- Assist with the management of administrative tasks to support the participation of members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in committee inquiries, including public hearings.
- Undertake research, analysis and reporting activities, including to support the development of resources to guide and support engagement and interaction between Senate committees and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
- Develop and maintain sound knowledge of Senate procedures and parliamentary law and practice, particularly as they relate to the work of committees.
Position contact: [email protected]
Telephone: (02) 6277 5924.
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Commercial Products Services
ANSTO Commercial Support Innovation
Community Engagement Coordinator
Job type: Full-time, Non-ongoing
Location: Lucas Heights, NSW
Salary: $89,000 – $101,000
Position number: PD-2461
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Sunday, 26 May, 2024
Agency website: https://www.ansto.gov.au/about/what-we-do
- Community engagement: Develop and nurture a positive and inclusive culture conducive to innovation and collaboration. Act as a liaison within the nandin community (Innovation Team, broader ANSTO, business/start-up members, mentors, industry, students) to facilitate communication.
- Nandin membership: Coordinate the monthly nandin membership program, including scheduling seminars, mentoring sessions, and social events. Provide logistical and administrative support to the delivery of innovation programs.
- Networking and events: Plan, organise and execute a diverse range of events. Facilitate networking opportunities, discussions and activities that enhance community engagement.
- Communication: Support the development of engaging communications content (newsletters, social media) in collaboration with the ANSTO Communications Team. Utilise various channels to keep community members informed and engaged and showcase the nandin Innovation Centre.
- Partnerships and collaboration: Identify and engage with external partners that contribute to events, as well as the growth and enrichment of the ANSTO innovation community.
Position contact: Carol Azzam Mackay
Telephone: (02) 9717 9078.