Are you on the hunt for a new job? Check out the listings below. Photo: File.
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
Deputy Secretary, Communications & Media Group
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Classification: Senior Executive Service Band 3
Position number: 44548
Security clearance: Negative Vetting Level 2
Applications close: Sunday, 18 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.infrastructure.gov.au
Duties: Who are we looking for?
To be successful in this role, you will have a diverse background in the development and implementation of public policy and a demonstrated ability in analysis, reform and successful delivery. You will have a proven track record in understanding contemporary cross-jurisdictional issues, both domestic and global, and identifying areas for innovation and transformation. You will be confident and comfortable in working in a rapidly changing environment and possess excellent stakeholder and people management skills. You will be committed to excellence and have a strong record of achievement in leading complex teams and projects, and managing resources.
As Deputy Secretary, Communications and Media Group, you will:
- Provide authoritative advice on communications and media policy, regulation, programs and major reform, and oversee the government’s shareholding interests in Australia Post and the National Broadband Network.
- Take accountability for program development and planning, including resource negotiation and implementation.
- Consider multiple options to resolve complex problems and develop innovative and realistic solutions.
- Efficiently and effectively assess environmental factors, identifying relationships between complex issues and developing contingency plans to mitigate risks to the achievement of government priorities.
- Lead the implementation of programs and balance resources to optimise the efficiency and effectiveness of outcomes under their control.
- Deliver outcomes aligned with government priorities and the department’s vision and purpose – within allocated resources.
- Demonstrate commitment to Australian Public Service (APS) stewardship and departmental activities.
- Create an environment of integrity, accountability and transparency.
- Provide leadership as part of the department’s senior leadership team.
Position contact: Jonathan Beaumont
Telephone: (02) 6126 4500.
Prime Minister and Cabinet
Australian National Audit Office
Corporate Management Group
APS 4 Cyber Security Officer
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Barton, ACT
Salary: $73,819 – $81,131
Classification: APS Level 4
Security clearance: As required
Applications close: Sunday, 18 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.anao.gov.au
Duties: In this role, you will (with the support of the ITSA):
- Assist with investigating and responding to cyber security incidents and providing advice to the ITSA on any required responses/next steps.
- Monitor the ANAO SIEM system and review reports and events for potential signs of compromise or malicious activity.
- Ensure that ANAO systems and applications remain compliant with PSPF and ISM/Essential Eight requirements and provide advice on the impact when these requirements change.
- Undertake first-stage risk assessments and system accreditations for IT systems and applications.
- Undertake reviews of ANAO security policies to ensure such documents remain up to date and reflect current ANAO practices.
- Assist with improving the cyber security knowledge and capability within ANAO, including conducting staff awareness campaigns and delivering cyber security training.
- Assist with broader IT operations (where required).
- Assist with personal and physical security (where required).
Position contact: Maidul Islam
Telephone: (02) 6230 7671.
Department of Finance
Corporate Strategy and Operations
Business Services and Support
Director, Protective Security/Agency Security Advisor (ASA)
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Salary: $143,499 – $168,942
Classification: Executive Level 2
Position number: 2024/021
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Sunday, 18 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.finance.gov.au
Duties: The Director, Protective Security/Agency Security Advisor (ASA) is responsible for the management of Finance’s Protective Security function to help protect Finance’s people, property, information and reputation. The Director supports Finance’s Chief Security Officer (CSO) and manages the Protective Security team in the development, implementation, management and reporting of Finance’s protective security functions across governance, information, personnel and physical security.
Finance’s Director, Protective Security/ASA will:
- Direct and manage teams responsible for the delivery of protective security functions and services, consistent with the whole-of-government Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF).
- Provide specialist technical protective security advice and support to Finance stakeholders at all levels.
- Develop, implement and review policies, procedures and guidelines on key protective security functional and service areas.
- Develop and build productive working relationships with clients and key stakeholders.
- Develop and manage Finance’s protective security education, training and awareness strategy and programs.
- Develop, implement and manage the monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework for Finance’s protective security function.
- Represent Finance at whole-of-government and inter-departmental fora.
Position contact: Ren Shane Stroud
Telephone: (02) 6215 3471.
Department of Health and Aged Care
Quality and Assurance Division
Choice and Transparency Branch Star Ratings Section
APS Level 5 – Data Analyst, Star Ratings Section
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Woden, ACT; Sydney, NSW; Melbourne, VIC; Adelaide, SA; Brisbane, QLD; Perth, WA
Salary: $81,372 – $88,000
Classification: APS Level 5
Position number: 24-QAADIV-22646
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Tuesday, 20 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.health.gov.au
- Undertaking research and analysis to discover patterns, anomalies and trends in data, advising on data quality, using relevant business systems or applications.
- Undertaking data-collection design, management, analysis and reporting.
- Utilising statistics platforms, such as R, for data analysis, assurance and reporting.
- Applying knowledge and relevant legislation, reviews and Health policies and procedures to ensure analysis is relevant.
- Applying good judgement and developing subject matter knowledge to make policy/program decisions.
- Establishing strong internal and external stakeholder relationships.
- Contributing to team performance, productivity and accountability for outcomes.
Position contact: Leanne Altinger
Telephone: (02) 6289 8258.
Department of the House of Representatives
International and Parliamentary Relations Office
Visits Officer/Office Manager
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Capital Hill, ACT
Salary: $76,725 – $83,009
Classification: APS Level 4
Position number: 3400
Applications close: Wednesday, 21 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/House_of_Representatives
- Managing the provision of general administrative support to the Office, including:
- Assisting in the development and maintenance of IT systems supporting the international program (e.g. Web publishing, the IPRO Database).
- Maintaining relevant electronic records.
- Advising and assisting other IPRO staff with administrative and IT matters as required.
- Preparing, editing and writing less-complex correspondence as required.
- Managing office financial transactions, including processing invoices.
- Assisting in the delivery of the Parliament’s international program activities, particularly coordinating less-complex parliamentary delegation visits to Parliament House.
- Receive and process forms and documents related to the work of the International and Parliamentary Relations Office, including passports and visas.
- Advise members, senators and their staff, and external agencies, on administrative matters related to the international program.
- Assist with the planning and conduct of official functions and hospitality.
Position contact: Alex Cullum
Telephone: (02) 6277 4339.
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Finance & Investment
Funding & Revenue Levies
Levies Regional Compliance Officers
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Adelaide, SA; Brisbane, QLD; Melbourne, VIC; Sydney, NSW
Salary: $78,548 – $86,168
Classification: APS Level 5
Position number: 2023/3192
Applications close: Wednesday, 21 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.agriculture.gov.au
The job: Under the direction of the regional manager, duties will include:
- Travelling for up to a week at a time in metropolitan and regional areas across all states to inspect levy agent records to ensure compliance with related legislation.
- Managing a diverse caseload of levy accounts across multiple agriculture sectors, ensuring compliance with levy-related legislation.
- Monitoring and following up agent inquiries and returns.
- Exercising the powers of an authorised officer in a regulatory, investigation and compliance role, identifying breaches of legislation and recommending action.
- With your team, participating in ad hoc projects and research activities to identify new levy agents.
- Participating in the planning and implementation of a variety of proactive strategies to promote and encourage voluntary compliance in a regulatory environment.
- Representing the department and liaising and negotiating with internal and external clients.
Position contact: Phillip Harding
Telephone: (02) 8334 7551.
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Job type: Full-time; Part-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT
Salary: $115,663 – $124,403
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: 2023/4134
Applications close: Wednesday, 21 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.agriculture.gov.au
The job: Duties may include but are not limited to:
- Leading economic analysis and research and drawing public policy insight on current or emerging issues affecting Australian agriculture, fisheries and forestry.
- Working with large datasets to analyse and quantify events, measure industry performance and drivers, and produce statistical insights and summaries using modern tools.
- Leading a team to develop and run economic models.
- Leading the design of research programs, including working with policy colleagues to scope research projects and understand where economic analysis can assist.
- Communicating research insights and being creative in the delivery of research products.
- Preparing quality written briefing papers and other materials on issues affecting Australian agriculture.
- Engaging with public and private-sector stakeholders.
Position contact: Stephanie Black
Telephone: (02) 6272 5928.
Department of Defence
Associate Secretary Group
Ministerial & Executive Coordination & Communication
Regional Communications Manager
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Adelaide, SA; Darwin, NT; Russell, ACT
Salary: $111,441 – $125,705
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: ASG/00647/24
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Wednesday, 21 February, 2024
Agency website: https://defencecareers.nga.net.au
Duties: As the senior public affairs representative in the region, you will be required to:
- Establish close working relationships with regionally based Defence groups and services, the broader Defence community, state/territory government organisations and the media.
- Coordinate and manage Defence public affairs events and initiatives in the region, and when required, provide local-level support and management of serious and sensitive issues.
- Support senior personnel to conduct media engagement and facilitate media training as required.
- Develop communications content to support Defence public affairs activities, including strategic communications, media releases, talking points, reactive media plans, social media content and other materials as required.
- Maintain a comprehensive awareness of national Defence issues and how they translate to the regional level.
- Provide community relations support to military operations as required.
The Canberra-based position additionally includes management of staff and coordination of media inquiries.
Position contact: Claire Galliford
Telephone: 0456 959 115.
Geoscience Australia
Corporate Division
Enterprise Data and Digital Branch Data Governance and Catalogue
Data Catalogue Officer
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Symonston, ACT; various locations in NSW; various locations in QLD; various locations in VIC
Salary: $78,077 – $86,690
Classification: APS Level 5
Position number: 03680
Security clearance: As required
Applications close: Sunday, 25 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.ga.gov.au
Duties: The Data Services section within the Enterprise Data and Digital branch creates, implements, and promotes the policies, processes and standards that will enable Geoscience Australia to manage its digital science data according to current best practice throughout its lifecycle.
The section consults with internal and external research, government and industry partners to establish collaborative data frameworks, architectures and models within Geoscience Australia and across broader national and international communities of practice. The section innovates, builds, and maintains tools, systems, processes and governance that enable digital data management, cataloguing and open data delivery.
The Data and Catalogue group sits within the Data Governance and Catalogue Team and is responsible for ensuring that Geoscience Australia’s data and information resources are discoverable and accessible in an international standards-compliant catalogue. The team is also responsible for the delivery of data and information products as well as maintaining the corporate data store and corporate data archive.
The Data Catalogue Officer role will directly manage the metadata standards implementation used by Geoscience Australia for the Enterprise Catalogue. Under the general direction of the Manager, Data and Catalogue, the role will also support data and data product publishing.
Position contact: David Lescinsky
Telephone: (02) 6249 9048.
Department of Defence
Defence People Group
Joint Health Command
Work Health & Safety Manager
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Darwin, NT
Salary: $88,175 – $100,724
Classification: APS 6
Position number: DPG/00523/24
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Monday, 26 February, 2024
Agency website: https://defencecareers.nga.net.au
Duties: The APS 6 Work Health & Safety Manager will be responsible for the management and coordination of work health and safety (WHS) across the Joint Health Unit – Central Australia (JHU-CA). This includes providing support to all the health centres of the JHU-CA in both the Northern Territory and South Australia.
Tasks include the implementation and continuous improvement of work health and safety management systems in accordance with legislation and Defence policies while supporting managers and employees to maintain a safe and healthy workplace.
As an APS 6 Work Health & Safety Manager, you will:
- Have a thorough understanding of WHS legislation.
- Report directly to the Commanding Officer JHU-CA. You will have the ability to work independently, with autonomy and accountability, for the achievement of the outcomes of your work.
- Consistently demonstrate initiative and subject matter expertise in the interpretation of policy and be able to apply legislation and policy to the application of practices and procedures.
- Have an ability to manage changing priorities and short deadlines, as well as the ability to work collaboratively as part of the headquarters team.
- Be able to effectively build relationships across the unit.
- Have strong skills across the Microsoft Office software suite (or similar) and be open to developing strong skills in the range of software platforms used to manage WHS and WHS reporting.
- Be able to critically analyse policy, and be able to provide feedback on request. You will have strong written and verbal communication skills across a broad audience range.
Position contact: Pat Hay
Telephone: (08) 8923 7538.
Future Fund Management Agency
Associate, Credit
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Melbourne, VIC
Classification: APS Level 4
Position number: 2241
Applications close: Tuesday, 27 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.futurefund.gov.au
Duties: Key responsibilities:
- Support the credit investment and monitoring process, including researching various credit markets and instruments, contributing to portfolio ideas, and assessing relative value.
- Contribute to the investment due diligence and monitoring process for Credit investments, including manager research and the preparation and delivery of regular portfolio and performance analysis and reporting.
- Help the Credit team maintain and evolve its suite of portfolio data and analytical tools, including external platforms along with spreadsheets and reports.
- Contribute to a positive and collaborative work environment, building strong bonds with the investment team, and the teams that support and contribute to the success of the investment program.
Position contact: Liz Du Preez
Telephone: (03) 8656 6400.
Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR)
Oil & Gas
Northern Endeavour
Various Opportunities, Executive Level 1, Northern Endeavour Branch
Job type: Full-time; Part-time, Ongoing; Non-ongoing
Location: Various locations – ACT; various locations – QLD; various locations – VIC; Perth, WA
Salary: $113,231 – $120,249
Classification: Executive Level 1
Position number: 0150_01/24
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Tuesday, 27 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.industry.gov.au
The opportunity: We are seeking candidates to fill multiple vacancies across a variety of teams within the Northern Endeavour Branch, including:
- Phase 1 Decommissioning Project Team
- FPSO Disposal Team
- Policy and Engagement Team
- Regulatory Compliance Team
- Commercial Team
- Program Management Office (PMO)
Our ideal candidate:
We are looking for highly motivated self-starters who thrive in dynamic, fast-paced environments and bring strong teamwork, problem-solving and analytical skills. Qualifications or work experience in government contract management, regulatory compliance or program management, or oil and gas experience, will be advantageous.
Our ideal candidates will:
- Exercise a considerable degree of independence and perform a leadership role, which may include providing direction to others, contributing to team planning, and supervising or mentoring staff.
- Have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with demonstrated ability to lead complex projects of work.
- Have strong stakeholder management and negotiation skills.
- Interpret government legislation and regulations.
- Effectively manage risk and program deliverables.
- Anticipate the needs of stakeholders and build and maintain positive relationships with internal and external networks.
- Have excellent written and oral communication skills, with the ability to convey complex issues.
- Have a proven ability to work as part of a team and be self-directed.
- Be adaptable, resilient and solutions-focused, delivering under pressure and managing competing priorities.
Position contact: Ren Dearne Mann
Telephone: 0412 446 566.
Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR)
Chief Operating Officer
People Capability & Workforce Planning
Senior Workforce Planner
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT; Brisbane, QLD
Salary: $91,444 – $99,167
Classification: APS Level 6
Position number: 0101_01/24
Security clearance: Baseline
Applications close: Wednesday, 28 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.industry.gov.au
The ideal candidate will have:
- Detailed knowledge of HR policies, practices and systems combined with a strong understanding of workforce planning.
- Demonstrated skills and experience in HR project and program management at an enterprise-wide level.
- An ability to analyse and interpret workforce data to inform HR strategy.
- Excellent stakeholder engagement skills and the ability to bring a customer service focus to the delivery of workforce planning functions.
- Well-developed written and oral communication skills, including the ability to explain technical concepts to a non-technical audience.
- Effective problem-solving and critical thinking skills to exercise sound judgement in consideration of immediate and long-term issues.
- The ability to build and nurture relationships based on trust and credibility with internal and external stakeholders.
- The ability to demonstrate professionalism, impartiality and integrity in dealing with others and managing sensitive information.
- Intermediate to advanced skills in Excel and PowerPoint.
Experience in PowerBI and/or other data visualisation tool is desirable.
Position contact: Bec Carubia
Telephone: (07) 3046 4857.
Geoscience Australia
Place and Communities Division
Community Safety Information Services
Software Developer/DevOps Engineer
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Symonston, ACT
Salary: $84,503 – $97,816
Classification: APS Level 6
Position number: 18539
Security clearance: As required
Applications close: Thursday, 29 February, 2024
Agency website: https://www.ga.gov.au
In this role, you will:
- Develop and maintain software that supports the scientific and operational needs of the Community Safety Branch.
- Create and maintain documentation for both internal developer and end-user audiences.
- Create the interfaces and manage the deployment processes required to make applications accessible to users.
- Adapt and implement scientific algorithms to create new applications, gathering requirements and specifications from various sources.
- Contribute to the dev ops processes of the team, ensuring the stability of operational systems and helping to uplift the quality of our software development lifecycle.
Position contact: Sachin Shirodkar
Telephone: (02) 6249 9034.
Department of Treasury
2025 Treasury Graduate Development Program – Indigenous Affirmative Measure
Job type: Full-time, Ongoing
Location: Canberra, ACT; Sydney, NSW; Melbourne, VIC
Salary: $73,275 – $73,275
Classification: APS Level 3
Position number: TSYGRAD IAM2025
Security clearance: Valid
Applications close: Monday, 15 April, 2024
Agency website: https://treasury.gov.au
Job description: We are seeking collaborative and highly motivated Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people to make a direct impact on the way government develops and implements policies for Australia, as well as those relating to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities. We are committed to making graduate positions accessible to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders through this Indigenous Employment Affirmative Measure process. While merit remains the basis for selection, engagement and promotion, this process is only open to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
Treasury’s Graduate Development Program offers opportunities to exceptional graduates from a range of disciplines, including law, economics/econometrics, public policy, political science, data and statistics, mathematics, business and commerce, finance and many more.
As well as relevant academic qualifications, we’re looking for graduates with highly developed written and oral communication skills, strong analytical and people skills, and those who can demonstrate influence, initiative, fairness and respect.
Position contact: Entry-Level Programs
Telephone: (02) 6263 2222 (Option 3).