26 September 2023

Last year’s sports bounced $16.4 billion

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Australians spent $16.4 billion on sport and physical activity last year, according to new data from the Australian Sports Commission (ASC).

Chief Executive of ASC, Kieren Perkins said the latest AusPlay data looked at how much Australians paid to participate in sport and non-sport related activities across the country in the 12 months to December 2022.

“Just over half (53 per cent) of adults and almost three quarters (71 per cent) of children paid to play,” Mr Perkins said.

“[The data] found adults spent $12.5 billion on participation last year with around half ($6 billion) spent on sport-related activities,” he said.

“$3.9 billion was spent on children’s organised outside of school participation with the majority ($3.3 billion) spent on sport-related activities.”

Mr Perkins said that despite the COVID-19 pandemic and rising cost of living pressures, the amount spent to play sport hadn’t changed significantly over time.

He said adults paid $634 on sport or physical activity last year compared to $600 in 2020 while for children this figure was $650 in 2022 and $600 in 2020.

“It’s clear that Australians see the value of sport and continue to invest in it as they recognise the benefits an active lifestyle offers,” the Chief Executive of ASC said.

He said being active didn’t have to come at a cost, as there were many activities that Australians continued to enjoy for free.

“More than 9,000,000 participants told us they walk for exercise, with running/jogging, cycling, swimming, playing football/soccer with friends and surfing the most popular free sport-related activities Australians took part in.”

The ASC’s 48-page Participation Expenditure report can be accessed at this PS News link.

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