The future of the Public Sector workforce in Midland has been secured with the Landgate building to continue as the Agency’s headquarters, as well as accommodating staff from other Departments and Agencies.
Minister for Planning, Rita Saffioti said that as part of a Market-led Proposal process, the market was asked to provide ideas to the Government on the future use of the Landgate building.
“A proposal by Georgiou Capital Pty Ltd involved the sale of the Landgate building at 1 Midland Square for $17.3 million by the Government and a 15-year lease-back agreement,” Ms Saffioti said.
“Under the agreement, Georgiou Capital will refurbish the Landgate building with works expected to begin in coming months and be completed by 2024,” she said.
Ms Saffioti said the refurbished building would remain home to Landgate, as well as accommodating staff from the Department of Communities and providing flexible workspaces for Public Servants from other Government Agencies.
The Minister said the State Government’s Market-led Proposals policy continued to generate strong interest from industry with around 20 proposals currently under assessment.
“These proposals present the Government with innovative solutions for the delivery of public services, use of surplus Government land or buildings, or procurement of essential products,” she said.
“They also have capacity to return significant benefits to Western Australians such as through this property settlement.”
Ms Saffioti said negotiating the Landgate sale had provided an opportunity to secure a strong workforce in Midland, create new job opportunities and deliver a modern, contemporary workplace for 850 Public Servants.